Noxious Stimulus-Induced Plasticity in Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn: Evidence and Insights on Mechanisms Obtained Using the Formalin TestAfter tissue or nerve injury, animals develop an increased sensitivity to noxious and non-noxious cutaneous stimuli, paralleling the development of hyperalgesia and allodynia ...
Due to the emergent and multifaceted nature of pain14,15, we focus on assessing the overall BOLD response amplitude. While this BOLD response neither directly reflects nociception, the neural process of encoding noxious stimuli16, nor pain perception, the unpleasant sensory and emotional subjective ex...
To replicate our results and test whether these findings can be explained by a presentation of pain and touch stimuli in different blocks and by modality-specific expectations, we performed a control experiment with a randomized order of pain and touch stimuli in 35 healthy human subjects. The re...
Evidence has accumulated that men and women show different responses to noxious stimuli, with women exhibiting greater sensitivity to pain than men. Data concerning sex differences in cortisol response patterns have revealed inconsistent results so far. The purpose of the present study was to examine ...
Whilst the algometer was the most effective indicator of differences between groups in the response to noxious stimuli there were several significant intercorrelations with other test measures. Thus the two algometer measures of P.P.T. and S.P.T. were both significantly correlated with the ...
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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we observed that noxious thermal stimuli (46°C) produce significant signal change in putative reward circuitry as well as in classic pain circuitry. Increases in signal were observed in the sublenticular extended amygdala of the basal forebrain (S...
Acupuncture Mechanisms Opiates During Development Pain Modulatory Systems, History of Discovery Tourniquet TestDefinitionThe theoretical basis for understanding the inhibitory controls activated by noxious stimuli hypothesizes that noxious stimuli activate a surround inhibition that sharpens contrast between the ...
We investigated if carrageenan-induced thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia are associated with a reduction in threshold and–or enhancement of suprathreshold nocifensive responses, using a method to measure the force of a hind limb withdrawal reflex elicited by graded noxious heat stimuli (36–...
Determinants of endogenous analgesia magnitude in a diffuse noxious inhibitory control (DNIC) paradigm: do conditioning stimulus painfulness, gender and personality variables matter? CONDITIONED PAIN MODULATION ASSESSMENT USING CONTACT HEAT AS CONDITIONING STIMULUS AND TWO DIFFERENT TEST STIMULI/PROCENA USLOVNE...