the question is relevant to the understanding of the pathophysiological construct of this syndrome because in the former condition delirium may be seen as a clinical sign accompanying the effect of different noxious stimuli, similarly to fever for pneumonia, whereas in the latter delirium may be ...
Aversive conditioning definition: a type of behavior conditioning in which noxious stimuli are associated with undesirable or unwanted behavior that is to be modified or abolished, as the use of nausea-inducing drugs in the treatment of alcoholism.. See
The identification of an intracellular serpin (protease inhibitor) that prevents necrosis caused by multiple noxious stimuli indicates that necrosis can be regulated, programmed, and driven by a peptidase stress-response pathway. Richard S. Hotchkiss et al., The New England Journal of Medicine Apparent...
In response to a stimulus that is alimentary, irritant, and noxious, intracellular communication takes place. Due to the intracellular communication, there is a production of a reaction of the whole cell. Consequently, the wholeamoeba celleither moves towards the stimulus or away from it. Question...
Noxious stimuli, such as shock in laboratory… Negative Regulation of Serotonin Release Any process which reduces the steady-state level or inhibits the release of the monoamine neurotransmitter serotonin, resulting in diminished or abbreviated…