Nature Metabolism volume 5, pages 1706–1725 (2023)Cite this article 13k Accesses 15 Citations 18 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Under normal conditions, insulin promotes hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL). However, during insulin resistance (IR), when insulin signalling is blunted and accompanied...
A. glabrata has demonstrated resistance to most of diseases of cultivated peanut, including leaf spots, peanut mottle virus, peanut stripe virus (PSTV), peanut bud necrosis virus (PBNV) [12], root-knot nematode [17], bacterial wilt [18] and rust [19]. However, our knowledge of the ...
We discuss the clinical characteristics and prognostic significance of adult individuals with PTPN11 mutations who have developed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (none acute promyelocytic leukemia). Next generation sequencing and Sanger sequencing were used
were the best performers at low read depths. At 10X, Canu and PBcR-Self performed better on ONT than PacBio data. These assemblies cover about 90% (75–79%) of the reference with an accuracy of 97% (99%) and a Na50 of 100 (60) kb with ONT (PacBio) data. All the other assemb...
[Isolation of influenza A viruses with a new antigenic formula from wild birds] Izoliatsiia virusov gripopa A s novoi antigennoi formuloi ot dikikh ptitsVotiakov, V IL'Vov D, KShumkov, V VBraude, N ASoloukhin, V Z
De novo design of protein binders has emerged as a potent method for developing potential therapeutics to address various health challenges, including influenza virus40,41,52,53, SARS-CoV-2 virus46, botulinum neurotoxins40, and tumors41. The computational design allows for the exploration of protei...
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Pusa Ruby) with coat-protein gene of Physalis mottle tymovirus. J. Plant Physiol. 2000, 156, 106–110. [CrossRef] 21. Vinutha, T.; Vanchinathan, S.; Bansal, N.; Kumar, G.; Permar, V.; Watts, A.; Ramesh...