were the best performers at low read depths. At 10X, Canu and PBcR-Self performed better on ONT than PacBio data. These assemblies cover about 90% (75–79%) of the reference with an accuracy of 97% (99%) and a Na50 of 100 (60) kb with ONT (PacBio) data. All the other assemb...
[Isolation of influenza A viruses with a new antigenic formula from wild birds] Izoliatsiia virusov gripopa A s novoi antigennoi formuloi ot dikikh ptitsVotiakov, V IL'Vov D, KShumkov, V VBraude, N ASoloukhin, V Z
De novo design of protein binders has emerged as a potent method for developing potential therapeutics to address various health challenges, including influenza virus40,41,52,53, SARS-CoV-2 virus46, botulinum neurotoxins40, and tumors41. The computational design allows for the exploration of protei...
terpenoids, and lipids. Many natural rhamnosylated plant products exhibit attractive biological activities, such as myricetin-3-O-β-rhamnoside, which is found in the leaves ofMyrtus communishasand may facilitate wound healing and anti-hepatitis B virus effects24,25. Quercetin-3-rhamnoside...