Novel Class Discovery (NCD) is a machine learning problem, where novel categories of instances are to be automatically discovered from an unlabelled pool. In contrast to clustering, NCD setting has access to labelled data from a disjoint set of classes. This topic has plausible real-world applica...
Novel Class Discovery in Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2022 Yuyang Zhao,Zhun Zhong,Nicu Sebe,Gim Hee Lee Paper:ArXiv Project Page:Website Abstract:We introduce a new setting of Novel Class Discovery in Semantic Segmentation (NCDSS), which aims at segmenting unlabeled images containing new classes gi...
The novel class of lipids is localized in plastids. Purified monogalactosyl diglyceride was not converted to the sn 1-(12-oxophytodienoyl) derivative by the combined action of (soybean) lipoxygenase and ( A. thaliana ) allene oxide synthase, an enzyme ensemble that converts free α-linolenic ...
A large proportion of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) were induced by NaCl treatment (Table2). We note that nearly all of the NaCl inducible GSTs are from the Tau family of GSTs, highlighting a distinct role for this sub-class of genes in oxidative stress responses, as has been previo...
A novel class of RPKMs To significantly improve the versatility of FreeHex [12] here, it is proposed a family of novel RPKMs where not only the lower joints can be relocated but also the upper ones can be repositioned on the moving platform. The proposed RPKMs (Fig. 1) consist of a...
Despite the wide applicability of oxynitrides from photocatalysis to refractory coatings, our understanding of the materials has been limited in terms of their thermodynamics. The configurational entropy via randomly mixed O/N or via cation vacancies are
Samples were suspended in 5% (v/v) acetonitrile, 0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid and direct injected onto a 1.7um, 130Å C18, 75um X 250mm M-class column (Waters), with a Waters M-class UPLC. Tryptic peptides were gradient eluted at 300nL/minute, from 3% acetonitrile to 20% aceto...
Here we have characterized a novel class of short regulatory RNA, the agotrons. Unlike known Ago-associated RNA species, agotrons escape the conventional biogenesis pathway entirely and associates with Ago proteins as an unprocessed, full-length intron. We believe that agotrons are debranched int...
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