If a noun ends in -s, -sh, -ch or -x, we add -es. Most nouns ending in -o come from other languages — we add -es for the plural form. For nouns ending in -ay, -oy and -ey, we add -s to make the plural. For other nouns ending in –y, we delete –y and add –ie...
Take our free test and discover your English level in just a few clicks. Take placement test Plural rule #4: -f and -fe endings A noun ending in ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’ has its own rule. You have to replace ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’ with ‘-v’ and add ‘-es’. For example: wife ...
However, if there is a vowel before they(ay, ey, oy, we just addsto form the plural. SingularPlural baybays wayways keykeys jerseyjerseys toytoys boyboys With some nouns ending inf, the plural ending isves. We changeftov, and addes. ...
plural-s ending errors that you find. Add -s endings to count nouns that should be plural, and cross out -s endings on singular count nouns or non-count nouns. incorrect: Many student in the class were doing their homeworks. correct: Many students in the class were doing their home...
DCFEM This is an interesting state of affairs, as this distribution mirrors the gender specification of affixed derived nouns: a large subset of deverbal nouns, especially action and result nouns ending in -s-iDC are feminine. In fact, several of the verbs listed as irregular in Languages ...