Past Simple: Verbs Ending in "y" 作者 分类:语法表达 If a verb in the present tense ends in "consonant + y" we change the "y" to "i" and add "ed" (cry > cried). For verbs with two-letter vowel sounds ("ay", "ey", and "oy") we keep them unchanged an...
to be◌ܰrather than any other vowel. E.g., the imperfect ofƗƊƣܰisƗƊƤƌܰܶ, “he will hear”, while the ethpe. isƗƉƦƣܐܷܰ(Note here the interchange ofܫandܬ: IX.5). SeeParadigm 4. Verbs ending in◌ܐܳare dealt with in XII...
4 In Old Irish passive forms may also occur without any direct argument: (4.a) and (4.b) are examples of this strategy, which removes both the nomina-tive and the accusative argument, while admitting only prepositional arguments. In that case, the passive singular inflectional ending does ...