中国大学生英语口语中母语迁移对动—名搭配的影响-the influence of mother tongue transfer on verb-noun collocation in chinese college students oral english.docx,AbstractThepresentstudyinvestigatestheL1influenceontheuseofEnglishverb-nouncollocationsbyChinese
“single, one,”gcigandtyik; “sun,”nyiandnyit. The American linguistPaul Benedictbrought in material from other Sino-Tibetan languages and laid down the rule that thecomparative linguistshould accept perfectphoneticcorrespondences with inexact though close semantic equivalences in preference to perfect...
As a result, each subtype ends up with more or fewer simple verbs. There is a reasonable correlation to be drawn here, but it ultimately leads to a restatement of the facts rather than an explanation for them. Furthermore, if we investigate a particular morphological subtype, for example, ...