When a singular noun ends with a ‘y’ after a consonant, we remove the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’. For example: City – Cities Lady – Ladies Story – Stories Consonants are all other letters except vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
If a noun ends with‘y’, the‘y’is changed into‘i’and‘es’is added to it for making its plural form. Examples: lady – ladies, country – countries. Plural forms for a few nouns are formeddifferently. Examples: wife – wives, knife – knives, leaf – leaves, man – men, toot...
When a noun ends in a consonant and -y we make the plural in -ies... 辅音+y结尾 lady > ladies; country > countries; party > parties …but if a noun ends in a vowel and -y we simply add -s: boy > boys; day > days; play > plays Some comm...
To navigate the site, probably the easiest way is to click on the “Starts with” menu with the beginning letter you’re looking for. For a noun that ends in a certain letter, first click to “Nouns ending in” link to be taken to a menu with A, B, C… through Z choices. ...
A monolithic birdcage teems with writhing bodies, limbs, torsos and a serpent-like appendage, contorted and twisted through one another, as if fused into one entity and it is almost impossible to see where one ends and the other begins. The figures may have human-like bodies, but many of...
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Looking back at the examples used in this paper, we have seen that English happily zero-derives verbs, Russian adopts new verbal roots with or without a derivational suffix, and head-final languages prefer to use light verbs. As a result, each subtype ends up with more or fewer simple ...