Full-Time MBA Program At the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, our enriching two-year residential MBA program offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a transformative learning experience. Our program stands out for its in-person, cohort-based approach, providing ...
学校已经有四届Chicago Campus的MSBA和 Notre Dame campus的MBAn/MSBA Dual Degree的优质经验了。综上来...
巴菲特给Notre Dame大学MBA的课程1991 $伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$ 华尔街是唯一一个坐劳斯莱斯的人向地铁上班族寻求建议的地方。 我想和你谈谈我认为投资和职业生涯中最重要的事情。你接受的训练会导致你的职业生涯有很大的不同。因为通常情况下,当人们从商学院毕业时,学过的东西里面并没有充分考虑他们将要接受什么...
Full-Time MBA Executive MBA Add to List Show All Photos University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Business School Overview The Mendoza College of Business at University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) offers these departments and concentrations: business analytics, consulting, entrepreneurship, finance, international ...
专业简介 Your journey starts in the heart of the Notre Dame campus, where personalized leadership development and experiential learning are at your fingertips. During your time in the Notre Dame MBA, you can focus your studies in one of nine different majors, five of which are STEM-designated....
MBA Admissions Coordinator University of Notre Dame College of Business Administration 109 Hurley Center, Room 109 Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 U.S.A . 明星教授與熱門課程(領域) An insightful thinker once described the "cultivated mind" as one distinguished by three qualities: It is a mind that is...
notre dame, in write a review full-time mba executive mba add to list more from this school colleges law engineering university of notre dame (mendoza) business school overview the mendoza college of business at university of notre dame (mendoza) offers these departments and concentrations: ...
2项目介绍Notre Dame campus的MSBA项目设在商学院(Mendoza College of Business)下,属于STEM项目。从2019年秋季开始第一届招生,但之前已经有四届Chicago campus MSBA & Notre Dame campus MBA/MSBA的Dual degree办学经验,所以课程已经比较成熟。MSBA项目要求申请者...
其中,门多萨商学院(Mendoza College of Business)规模最大,拥有在校生2300多人,涵盖了管理学、管理信息系统等本科专业,以及MBA、金融学、会计学等硕士专业。 作为天主教教会学校,圣母大学的神学院也是美国神学研究的重要场所之一,神学院有 100 余名教职人员从事神学方面的教育。虽然是教会学校,但对于国际生来讲完全不...
活动1 圣母大学商学院项目(MBA/MSA/MSM/MSBA)专场介绍 时间:8月23日晚7-8点 地点:北京朝阳区...