Full-Time MBA Program At the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, our enriching two-year residential MBA program offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a transformative learning experience. Our program stands out for its in-person, cohort-based approach, providing ...
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The newly reimagined Notre Dame Global EMBA is tailored to the needs of working professionals and offered through a 22-month program that meets once a month in-person at The University of Notre Dame. The Global Executive MBA curriculum integrates multiple focus areas that together will provide ...
学校已经有四届Chicago Campus的MSBA和 Notre Dame campus的MBAn/MSBA Dual Degree的优质经验了。综上来...
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Notre Dame, IN 46556 Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inMarketing The Sector of Western Marketing Nowadays, the companies have to sell their products and offers in a high competitive and dynamic world. The new technologies and the amount of data available owe ...
University of Notre Dame 美国-印第安那 nd.edu 加入我的选校 录取率测试 在线问答 测测我的录取率 申请项目 就读年级 下一步已有 4424232 人进行过测试 下载选校帝App获取更多留学选校知识 研究生专业 看看我适合什么专业? 所属学院: 全部无关联院系 ...
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame,又称诺特丹大学)创建于1842年,它是一所私立天主教大学、研究型大学,位于美国印地安纳州圣的南本德。 圣母大学具有深厚的宗教背景,这通常会和美国古老的等级严格的上流社会有关,因此如今也与许多金融巨鳄、商业财团保持着神秘的关系。
William L. Wilkie, Marketing ProfessorUniversity of Notre Dame MBA Program 在一門叫做『深入都市(Urban Plunge)』的課堂裡,MBA學生魚貫地進入有著四十呎厚城牆的印地安那州立監獄,體驗坐電椅、關監牢的滋味。他們與犯人說話、和獄卒聊天,試著瞭解在天堂與地獄之間,還有一群被上帝遺忘、受天使詛咒的人類存在。