电脑版官方下载入口: https://www.notion.so/desktop 根据你的设备系统选择相应的版本: 如果你是Windows系统,请点击Download for Windows 如果你是MacOS系统,请点击Download for Mac 下载Notion桌面应用程序 Windows安装图文教程 下载完成后点击文件(Notion Setup)进行安装; Notion正在安装 安装完成后,会看到Notion的登...
一、下载Notion1. 官网下载https://www.notion.so/desktopNotion Desktop App for Mac & Windows | Notionhttps://www.notion.so/desktop2. 百度云盘下载https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eZxuDBTqSeB55pZoSP6TAw?pwd…
Notion Desktop App for Mac & Windows itself has advantages, such as tight integration with work content. Its Al content is based on Page units, meaning the content on a single page is consistent. Cons: Firstly, it’s apparent from the beginning that its copywriting abilities are not...
First of all, the Calendar views on mobile is really unfriendly. It will be very helpful to view it as desktop or Pads just like your adjustment on 1.7.18 Second ,there has no any buttons like go prev page isn’t much friendly. Thanks for noticing, Very expected for your next update....
Windows Python 3.* Notion Desktop App Installation Install pipenv or check that it is installed: pip install pipenv Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/L4zzur/notion-discord-rpc.git Go to projects folder: cd notion-discord-rpc Create virtual environment using pipenv: pipenv...
Best Notion alternative for mind mapping Scrintal (Web, Desktop) Scrintal pros: Smooth and easy to use Good card organization and hierarchy features Scrintal cons: Not much power beyond mind mapping Notion and Miro crashed into one another: the result is a powerful app called Scrintal. If yo...
I find it great it for note taking. Pros: - Super minimal, love that it’s not as messy as One-Note. - Does what I dreamed Apple Notes app would do (clean UI + windows desktop app + Mac app + near real-time syncing across to mobile. A HUGE ++++). ...
Notion windows桌面版安装包,2.0.11 上传者:r1553789169时间:2021-01-06 Notion for Linux Native Notion packages for Linux, built from Notion's Windows installer. To install Notion with Notion Enhancer mods applied, replace notion-desktop with notion-enhanced in the commands provided. notion-desktop ...
Notion is available for the Mac, Windows desktop and iOS so no matter where you are and what device you own, you’ll be able to access your stuff easily. Its collaborative capabilities means you can share pages, simultaneously edit documents, mention people by tags and more. If you are on...