Notion is all you need — in one desktop tool. A simple, beautiful writing experience, with 30+ media types.Get started for free. Add your whole team as your needs grow. Try Notion today! PlayTurn your tribal knowledge into easy-to-find answers. Kanban board, calendar, and list views....
Notion for Mac is all you need — in one desktop tool. A simple, beautiful writing experience, with 30+ media types. Turn your tribal knowledge into easy-to-find answers. Kanban board, calendar, and list views. Lightweight yet flexible. Keep records of everything. Capture your unique ...
Presscmd/ctrl+tto create a new Notion tab (desktop apps only).按cmd/ctrl+t创建一个新的Notion...
When you search for something and there are 1 or more results, we'll save this search for later under Recent Searches in the search window.当您搜索某项内容并有 1 个或多个结果时,我们会将此搜索保存在搜索窗口中的“最近搜索”下以备后用。 Click on any of the items under Recent Searches to...
Notion Desktop App Installation Install pipenv or check that it is installed: pip install pipenv Clone the repository: git clone Go to projects folder: cd notion-discord-rpc Create virtual environment using pipenv: pipenv shell or using vir...
unofficial Desktop app for Linux Version: 0.05.1 Introduction Welcome! This is an unofficial version ofNotion.soelectron app. Since NotionHQ is busy doing other amazing feature developments, Linux is low on its priority. Here is the tweet from them explaining that ...
Today, Notion is becoming increasingly popular among those who want to organize and streamline their lives. However, for some reason, you may need to uninstall it. This article explains how to completely and correctly delete the Notion desktop app from a Mac. ...
Notion for Mac是一款集大成的个人信息处理工具,主要用来处理大三类内容:文档、知识 和 任务,官方口号是 一个统一的笔记、知识、任务管理,并且能够多人协作的工作空间。你可以当它是「云笔记」、「小型 Trello」、「个人任务管理」、「团队任务管理」、「阅读列表」、「信息收集」、「todolist」、「维基页面」,...
Design file • 17 • 684 users Notion app isn't viral as the Notion desktop... So I took on myself to pitch IVan (Notion CEO) new version for more valuble/practical version that sync to the mobile needs of the users and their content on the Notion desktop. ...
First of all, the Calendar views on mobile is really unfriendly. It will be very helpful to view it as desktop or Pads just like your adjustment on 1.7.18 Second ,there has no any buttons like go prev page isn’t much friendly. Thanks for noticing, Very expected for your next update....