See the Routing and Tag Expressions documentation for more detail. In Startup.cs, update the ConfigureServices method to add the NotificationHubsService as a singleton implementation of INotificationService. C# Copy using PushDemoApi.Models; using PushDemoApi.Services; public void Configure...
Channel Routing Smartly deliver notifications on multiple channels without bombarding the same message on all channels. Batching & Digests Aggregate multiple alerts and send them in a single digest instead of alerting on every trigger. Frequency Cap Put a cap on how many notifications a user can ...
Start Routing Notifications Today! Courier is a notification service that centralizes all of your templates and messaging channels in one place which increases visibility and reduces engineering time. Sign-up All PostsENGINEERINGNOTIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE ...
See the Routing and Tag Expressions documentation for more detail. In Startup.cs, update the ConfigureServices method to add the NotificationHubsService as a singleton implementation of INotificationService. C# Copy using PushDemoApi.Models; using PushDemoApi.Services; public void ConfigureServices(I...
これらのメソッドは、UseRouting 後、およびアプリの前 呼び出されていることを確認します。UseEndpoints. C# コピー public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.Use...