You can then useNavigator.pushand the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context,"/users/1234", transition:TransitionType.fadeIn); Class arguments ...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:get/get.dart';voidmain() {runApp(constMyApp()); }classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{constMyApp({Key?key}):super(key:key);@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext) {returnGetMaterialApp( title:'Flutter Demo', initialRoute:'/counter', getPages:...
You can then useNavigator.pushand the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context,"/users/1234", transition:TransitionType.fadeIn); Class arguments ...
You can then useNavigator.pushand the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context,"/users/1234", transition:TransitionType.fadeIn); Fluro is a Yakka original. ...
You can then useNavigator.pushand the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context,"/users/1234", transition:TransitionType.fadeIn); Packages ...
You can then useNavigator.pushand the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context,"/users/1234", transition:TransitionType.fadeIn); Class arguments ...
You can then use Navigator.push and the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you. You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so: router.navigateTo(context, "/users/1234", transition: TransitionType.fadeIn); Fluro is a Yakka original. About...