Received and noted. - 收到并记录下来。 Affirmative. - 确认无误(显得更正式)。 Acknowledged receipt. - 收到确认。 Noted with thanks. - 已记录,感谢。 Received with thanks. - 收到并谢谢。👥在日常沟通中,这些表达也能让你的回复更自然得体: Roger that. - 收到。幽默又不失礼貌。 Sounds good....
“appreciated and noted”:这个短语结合了“感激”和“注意到”两个意思,与“noted with thanks”在语境上相似。 例句:Your prompt response is appreciated and noted.(你的及时回复我们感激并注意到了。) “received with thanks”:这个短语表示“感激地收到”,在传达感激之情的同...
在组织结构中,下级对上级的沟通需要体现尊重和正式。这一表达不仅是对上级工作的肯定,也是对未来合作的期待。通过使用“received with thanks”,下级向上级传递了一个积极的信息,表明自己认真对待工作,并对上级的支持和指导表示感谢。这样的表达方式有助于维护组织的良好关系,促进合作和沟通。
well noted with thanks适用于下级对上级。商业文书或信函用语,表示“已知悉,并表示感谢”,相当于中文口语中的“收到,谢谢”。是比较随意的说法。一般来说,在商务场合,收到别人的信函或者通知后,出于礼貌应向对方表达已经收到对方来函这件事,而又没有什么特别需要回信的内容,就会回这句话。但是...
noted with thanks This phrase is correct and commonly used in written communication to acknowledge receipt of information or a request. This phrase is used to acknowledge that you have received and taken note of the information or request provided by someone. It is a polite way to show apprecia...
您好呀。well noted with thanks,比较适合于下级对上级,这样更显得你有礼貌,不仅表达出你已经收到了对方的信息,也表达出了你已经明白对方说这话的意图,所以well noted with thanks 更适合用于下级对上级。亲爱的,received with thanks 显得更加生硬一些,给人感觉比较直白。一般比较适合用于同级。
Thank you, I’ll review it and get back to you. Got it, I’ll follow up as needed. “Noted” in a casual setting (informal) Got it, thanks! Understood will do. I’ve taken note. Received with thanks. Thanks for the update!
No.1:Got it.No.2:Received,thanks.No.3:Noted with thanks.No.4:Understood.No.5:Acknowledged.外企中这五种表达,可以随便换着用~ #干货都在这 #英语口语 #职场英语 10 2 13 分享 举报发布时间:2024-07-06 21:00 全部评论 大家都在搜: MSCI ... 我们中文也有这么多,1.收到。2.好的,3.马上...
well noted with thanks 和received with thanks 哪个适用于下级对上级 well noted with thanks适用于下级对上级。商业文书或信函用语,表示“已知悉,并表示感谢”,相当于中文口语中的“收到,谢谢”。是比较随意的说法。一般来说,在商务场合,收到别人的信函或者通知后
例如:Your letter of recent date to hand and contents noted with thanks. We shall appreciate a line from you at an earliest date.近日来信受到,话语间洋溢着感激之情。如能早日来信,我们感激不尽。3、一般来说,在商务场合,收到别人的信函或者通知后,出于礼貌应向对方表达已经收到对方来...