“python not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'”错误的解答 错误的含义: 在Python中,当你尝试在两个不兼容的数据类型之间进行某种操作(如加法、比较等)时,会出现“not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'”错误。这意味着你试图对字符串(str)和整数(int)执行一个不被支持的操作...
我的问题是在字典里放K,有些事Str有些int,所以报这个错,可以是str和int不能比较,所以获取的散列值有歧义,所以不允许。 fori,iteminenumerate(i):ifi ==25: temp[str(i)] =str(item)else: temp[str(i)] = item 解决办法,都写成一样的 加油,愿被这世界温柔以待 ^_^...
当我们编程时,有时会出现如下错误:TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' 如下图: 这是因为input()返回的数据类型是str类型,不能直接和整数进行比较,必须先把str转换成整型,使用int()方法:age = int(input ("请输入你的年龄:")) 改正之后为: 这样程序就达到了预期的效果了...
在学习使用pyautogui模块时,使用鼠标右击,遇到报错。 pyautogui.click('right') 报错如下: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' 原因分析 pyautogui控制鼠标点击非常简单,只需要一个click()函数即可,同时pyautogui又提供了双击doubleClick()、左键点击leftClick()、中键点击middle...
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' 分析:input()返回的数据类型是str,不能直接和整数进行比较,必须先把str换成整数,使用int()方法 因此,将input变量转换为int型即可 x = int(input("请输入你要测试的数:")) ...
Python Problem - TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' Python comparison operators can only compare data values of similar data types, and the Greater than operator is no exception. When comparing a string value with an integer value to find out which is ...
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' Why is this happening? How can I fix it? Thank you other config === detection/configs/mask_rcnn_mask_rcnn_deit_adapter_small_fpn_3x_coco.py Copyright (c) Shanghai AI Lab. All rights reserved. base = [ '../base...
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'分析:input()返回的数据类型是str,不能直接和整数进行比较,必须先把str换成整数,使用int()方法 &#...
I ran the below command - print(np.unique(cars_data['Doors'])) Output - ['2' '3' '4' '5' 'five' 'four' 'three'] Then i ran below commands cars_data['Doors'].replace
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'问题 报错原因:input()输入的是字符串,当输入数字时,类型不匹配 解决方法:int(input())