1、描述: Cannot add or update a child row:a foreign key constraint fails(`ls_blog_system`.`#sql-1_3`,CONSTRAINT`FK_tb_article`FOREIGN KEY(`category_id`)REFERENCES`tb_categories`(`id`) 问题一 2、原因: 我遇到的原因:由于我的tb_article表的category_id设置为not null,并且tb_category的主键i...
三步修改完成后再次尝试创建外键 alter table table_nameaddforeignkey(key)referencestable2_name(key)on update cascade on delete cascade; 操作成功,结果如下: 创建外键成功
1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 背景 navicat创建外键时报错 关于navicat创建外键具体步骤,参见此文:navicat 数据表添加外键 原因 两张表的数据不匹配(参见下图) 例子:myorder表中userId字段是外键,关联user表中的userId字段。 myorder表中userId字段的值是0,而user表...
[SQL] Query dailyfresh start [ERR] 1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint...fails (dailyfresh.df_goods_sku, CONSTRAINT df_goods_sku_...
When trying to add my Gmail from Internet Accounts or from the Mail app, it would load a window that would just endlessly spin. I tried authenticating with Google in Safari, closing out of everything, trying again, same issue. The only thing that fixed it (as other people have mentioned...
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.CannotAddDateToNonIterationException 命名空间:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client 程序集:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client(在 Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll 中) 语法 C#复制 [SerializableAttribute]publicclassCannotAddDateToNonIterationException:CommonStructureSubsystemSer...
Cannot add second Connection Broker Server to HA 發行項 2018/07/03 Question Tuesday, July 3, 2018 5:58 PM I was able to successfully configure the HA for the connection broker, however when I try and add the second server to HA, I get the following error. Failed: The database ...
Cannot add credit/ debit card with family sharing Apple watch Recently bought an Apple Watch S8 cellular and signed up a family sharing plan with Truphone. But I cannot add any credit/debit card for Apple Pay through Wallet. The option is not available. Anyone experiencing the same issue?
Add-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Name "My App" -MetadataFile "C:\Temp\FederationMetadata.xml" Updating the relying party trust from the metadata file already set on the properties of the trust:复制 Update-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName "My App" This...
Hi there, I'm currently having problem adding apt repository After I did vagrant ssh I ran the following command: Command: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible Output: Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~ansible/ubuntu/ansible'. ERROR: '~ansibl...