中断(break)语句不在 within 或 switch 循环中。(计算机语言中,break 一般用来中断循环。)
breakstatementnotwithinlooporswitch报错 breakstatementnotwithinlooporswitch报错break statement not within loop or switch.注意你的循环,可能多加了个分号。for语句后⾯?
Yes, EmptyStatementNotInLoop overlaps with EmptyIfStmt. I found that Empty Statement Not In Loop doesn't allow do while loop. And is there any other reason to whistle an empty statement in do while loop? I think, the name of the rule is a bit imprecise: If you look at the test case...
导致后面的循环内容不在循环里面,造成break处出现错误。break statement not within loop or switch意思是:break语句不在循环内。for循环是编程语言中一种循环语句,而循环语句由循环体及循环的判定条件两部分组成,其表达式为:for(单次表达式;条件表达式;末尾循环体){中间循环体;}。
英文的意思是break应该在循环或者switch里面,而你的代码里没有。从你的写法来看,int i之后似乎应该有句while(1)
从图片来看,你这些 break 语句都是 case 的break语句。属于 switch的。break statement within switch switch(y) { case 1: \\... break; \\...}
@文心快码BaiduComate[error] continue statement not within a loop 文心快码BaiduComate 解释“continue语句不在循环内”的错误含义 “continue语句不在循环内”是一个编译时错误,它表明continue语句被错误地放置在了循环结构之外。continue语句的目的是跳过当前迭代中剩余的代码,直接进入下一次循环迭代。因此,它必须位于...
用exists。因为若用in,则Oracle会优先查询子查询,然后匹配外层查询,若使用exists,则oracle会优先查询外层表,然后再与内层表匹配。最优化匹配原则,拿最小记录匹配大记录2、关于在 Oracle8i 之后 时代中in和exists的区别in 是把外表和内表作hash join,而exists是对外表作loop,每次loop再对内表进行查询。一直以来认为...
1. break statement not within loop or switch. line 38 2. variable or field 'computePercentages' declared void line 71 (I added the 'void' in after I first got an error stating that the variable or field was not declared) The code is ...