首先我们分析一下出现这种情况的原因,原因就是framework找不到镜像了,也就是在真机运行是没有找到对应的framework包,在网上找的一些办法将框架引用从Required 变为Optional ,根本就是治标不治本,等到运行到这个framework的代码是也会崩溃,我们需要做的是将这个framework拷贝到项目里面才行,这样才能从根本上解决问题,下面...
Swift-Xcode真机运行出现Reason: image not found错误 把对应的文件加入General->Embedded Binaries即可解决: yytester阅读 960评论 0赞 0 这一年,不好不坏 春夏秋冬,一年往复,转眼又是一年年末。在没有折返的时光里,这也是收获和新希望的一个节点,该过去的都过去了,该来的还... 美食美客阅读 830评论 0赞 3 ...
事实上在小程序中,虽然你的image文件夹是和你index文件夹的父级文件夹并行的文件夹,但是你如果引用的时候,不用去遵循 。。/ 或者 ./因为在小程序当中他根本不识别。所以要引用的话,直接images/xxx.png就好了
I click on LOCATE MISSING PHOTO and navigate to the correct folder but the image (usually jpg's) is not shown. If I use Windows 11 Explorer and do the same thing with the same folder, IT IS FOUND. My workaround is to open the image...
GET http://localhost:8080/Real-App/resources/images/SomeImage.png 404 (Not Found) GET http://localhost:8080/Real-App/resources/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js Any ideas what went wrong? Best Regards, Mouli. jquery jsp spring-mvc Share Improve this question Follow asked Feb 21, 2015 at 16:...
open(filename, "rb") ^^^ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\User\\Downloads.png' I am on Windows and use PyCharm; if you can help, it will be amazing. python image python-imaging-library Share Follow edited Jul 15 at 12:03 toyot...
Hello, I have problem with Authenticator ( in Syspass 3.2, Authenticator 2.2.1). When I enable Authenticator in Plugins, I see in User prefereneces only text "Class 'BaconQrCode\Renderer\Image\Png' not found" nothing else. When I disable...
【Spring Boot】前端JS请求网络图片报错GET https://xxx.png 404 (Not Found)的解决办法 javascript 报错 分析 说明了网络图片请求失败或者说不存在~ 参考:说的则在img中添加onerror事件: 1. 如果线上的online.png不存在,则会自行使用本地的location.img; ...
When images are stored in subfolders, on Windows the build returns messages like: image not found in source folder: chapter10/ch10_exc05.png This is happening when I try to build the book The Nature of Code 2. I found that the problems s...
添加第三方框架,然后启动app的时候会,提示dyld: Library not loaded: Reason: image not found 网上大部分的做法都是把Build Phases 里对应framework后边的选项修改成为Optional,但这个是治标不治本,还是没法解决问题 原因 在生成Framework的时候, 缺省是生成了动态库 解决方法: 改成静态库就可以了 ...