求助,No Imag..上面有好几个,而且最底下原来好像是6个,现在成8个,而且还必须加载完出来8个No Image data blocks found.不然模型,lora,embedding什么的就打不开显示不出来。我都不
【模型名称.preview.png】 例如,一个Embedding模型的名称是“AS-Adult-neg.pt”,那么它的卡片缩略图名称就应该是“AS-Adult-neg.preview.png”,写成“AS-Adult-neg.png”虽然也能被WebUI识别,但是却不能被控制器窗口识别,就会认为“No Image data blocks found”。 如下图所示,这是我使用的Embedding模型及命名。
import PIL from PIL import Image fp = Image.open('/Users/xxx/Downloads/Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 5.48.46 PM.png') # please replace 'xxx' with your path name fp.show() # I changed 'im' to 'fp' since 'im' is not defined Here is the image I got Feel free to fo...
No connection adapters were found for 'data:image/png;base64,...'这个错误通常发生在尝试使用像requests这样的HTTP库去访问一个Data URI scheme时。Data URI scheme(如data:image/png;base64,...)不是一个有效的URL,而是一个嵌入在文档或网页中的二进制数据的直接表示,通常用于嵌入图像、样式或其他资源。 ...
AttributeError: 'PngImageFile' object has no attribute '_PngImageFile__frame' What are your OS, Python and Pillow versions? OS: mac os Python: 3.75 Pillow: 7.1.0 imageio: 2.8.0 fromimageioimportimreadimread('./test.png') It seems related to#4243 ...
Thumbnails.of(inputStream).size(WIDTH, HEIGHT).outputFormat("png").toFile(new File("thumbnail.png")); The exception stacktrace is: net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.UnsupportedFormatException: No suitable ImageReader found for source data. at net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.InputStreamImageSource.rea...
AttributeError: 'PngImageFile' object has no attribute 'imshow' 解决思路 属性错误:“PngImageFile”对象没有属性“imshow” 解决方法 PngImageFile没有imshow方法,但是有show方法,所以需要进行以下更改! 将 img.imshow() 改为 img.show() 1. 2.
2. In the project plist file, edit the CFBundleIconFiles key (which is an array) to include the names of the above icon files. Only the low resolution file names are needed, and the extension (.png) should not be included. The Xcode will automatically find the high resolution files as...
iOS打包,出现这样的错误:ERROR ITMS-90032:”Incaild Image Path - No image found at the path referenced udner key ‘CFBundleIconFile’:’Icon.png’”,找不到Icon文件 1、General —> App Icons and Launch Images—>App Icons Source 2、Info.plist,删除掉对应的Icon的所有key值 ...
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /Users/jocelen/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E5532504-D375-4FCC-81A5-A46EA31BCB48/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/4413D938-4427-4B4D-8032-44A48643A0C7/QuoteSDK-Demo.app/Frameworks/DZKJQuoteModule.framework/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib: ...