用一个抓人眼球的标题吸引读者注意是多么重要的一件事 it'simportanttograbthereader'sattentionwithacatchyheadline. 这是我的标题“本地女性37岁自毁人生” Here'smine--"LocalWoman,37,RuinsOwnLife." 五年前奈尔·塞拉诺放弃了大好前途 Fiveyearsago,NellSerranothrewawayapromisingcareer 为了一个男人搬到伦敤 to...
内容提示: 当了15 年记者后 我明白了 After 15 years as a journalist, I've learned 用一个抓人眼球的标题吸引读者注意 是多么重要的一件事 it's important to grab the reader's attention with a catchy headline. 这是我的标题 “本地女性 37 岁 自毁人生” Here's mine-- "Local Woman, 37, ...
内容提示: 不敢相信她那时还灌个不停 I couldn't believe she was still chugging. 不敢相信她还能站着 I couldn't believe she was still standing. 什么事那么好笑 我也喜欢欢乐的恶作剧 What's funny? You know I enjoy a mirthful shenanigan. 只是我们昨晚和奈儿出去喝酒 情况有点失控 We just went ...
But, you know, I really think they upped their game this season. 没有啦 我只是在看IG 上的狗狗影片 No. Oh, I was -- I was just watching, like, an Instagram video with a dog in it. 不是在说你 我… Not you, of course.
"Not Dead Yet" Not a Valentine Yet (TV Episode 2024) - Goofs on IMDb - bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more.
Not Dead Yet(2009) Licia Hauss Dr. Hauss (credit only) Recovery(I)(2012) Susan Hess Jane Gone(I)(2012) John Hugill Dr. Carson Parker The Counselor(2013) John Kirkley Dr. Kirkley (credit only) I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore(2017) ...
Not Dead Yet《老娘还没死(2023)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,你认为你和你内心的孩子 And what would you say your relationship is like 关系如何 with your inner child? 其实我们不常见到彼此 You know, um, we dont see each other that often. 我应该找她
Not Going Home Yet: Directed by Michael McDonald. With Gina Rodriguez, Hannah Simone, Lauren Ash, Rick Glassman. Nell grows frustrated with Lexi and Edward's relationship; the newsroom staff pulls an all-nighter.
Not Dead Yet《老娘还没死(2023)》第一季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?(史密奇) 我爱了那家伙五年 为了他抛下一切 I loved that guy for five years. Threw my life away for him. 为了他搬到另一个国家 学着怎么打匹克球 Moved to another country for him. Learn