हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Not Dead Yet(2023–2024) It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute!Add a photooradd a quote. ...
老娘hearts中英文dead剧本hungover 当了15年记者后我明白了After15yearsasajournalist,I'velearned用一个抓人眼球的标题吸引读者注意是多么重要的一件事it'simportanttograbthereader'sattentionwithacatchyheadline.这是我的标题“本地女性37岁自毁人生”Here'smine--"LocalWoman,37,RuinsOwnLife."五年前奈尔·塞拉诺放...
内容提示: 当了15 年记者后 我明白了 After 15 years as a journalist, I've learned 用一个抓人眼球的标题吸引读者注意 是多么重要的一件事 it's important to grab the reader's attention with a catchy headline. 这是我的标题 “本地女性 37 岁 自毁人生” Here's mine-- "Local Woman, 37, ...
I'm having a hard time not bringing work home with me. 你的一氧化碳检测器检查过了吗 Have you had your carbon monoxide monitor checked? 我闻到了煤气味 - I smell gas. 是吗 你害怕你会再死一次吗 - Yeah? You afraid you're gonna die more? 你对机器人了解多少 And what do you kn... ...
Not Dead Yet: With Gina Rodriguez, Hannah Simone, Lauren Ash, Rick Glassman. Follows Nell Serrano, broke, newly single and feeling old, who is working to restart the life and career she left behind 10 years ago.
Not Dead Yet《老娘还没死(2023)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(出租中) (布鲁克摩公hearts;寓hearts;) 我还是无法适应 Still not used to that. 这个地方有几坪 Whats the square footage in this place? 如果我没被公车撞死 就能租这里一天 I could rent this
Not Dead Yet《老娘还没死(2023)》第一季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?(史密奇) 我爱了那家伙五年 为了他抛下一切 I loved that guy for five years. Threw my life away for him. 为了他搬到另一个国家 学着怎么打匹克球 Moved to another country for him. Learn
Not Dead Yet《老娘还没死(2023)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?(布鲁克摩公hearts;寓hearts;) 天啊 你在吃玻璃碎片吗 Oh, my gosh. Are you eating shards of glass? 是水果谷片 Its Crunch Berries. 你可以吃小声一点 或是加点棉花糖吗 Well, could you pl
(出租中)(布鲁克摩公♥寓♥) 我还是无法适应 Stillnotusedtothat. 这个地方有几坪 What'sthesquarefootageinthisplace? 如果我没被公车撞死就能租这里一天 IcouldrentthisinadayifIwerestillaliveandhadn'tbeenhitbythatbus. 对你说过很多次了 Yeah,you'vesaidthat,manytimes. 你其实不需要刷牙 Youknow,youdo...