...全球第二大主权财富基金、资金规模达4000亿美元的挪威政府养老基金(Norwegian Government Pension Fund)已全面调整自 …www.ftchinese.com|基于23个网页 2. 挪威政府退休基金 ...孙,挪威政府决定将这笔高达二千亿美元的营收,纳入「挪威政府退休基金」(Norwegian Government Pension Fund)中保 …tw.page.mall.yahoo...
这个案例涉及的是挪威政府的主权基金:挪威养老基金(Norwegian Government Pension Fund)。 截止2017年4月,挪威养老基金以9221亿美元的规模位列全世界主权基金排行榜第一名。挪威的总人口大概为520万。以人均资产规模来算的话,每个挪威人在该基金中拥有大约18万美元。这个数值是非常高的。 挪威养老基金的网页上放得是...
NorwegianGovernmentPensionFund-Global •16largestglobalsponsorsfrom€43.2billionto€250.5billion •Mediansize€73.3billionversusyour€250.5billion •3CanadianFunds,3EuropeanFundsand10USFundsmakeuptheGlobalPeerGroup. •InthereporttherearealsocomparisonstoalloftheEuropeanparticipants.Thereare49 participants;1Dani...
尼古拉·坦根(Nicolai Tangen)是挪威主权财富基金的首席执行官,也就是挪威政府养老基金(Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global),这是世界上最大的主权财富基金之一。 挪威主权财富基金也是特斯拉十大股东之一。 这次访谈揭示了埃隆·马斯克对多个前沿技术、人类发展、公司治理等方面的深刻见解: 具体话题包括AI的迅猛发展...
…reinvesting those profits in the Government Pension Fund (originally the Government Petroleum Fund). Even as much of the rest of the world struggled in the wake of the international financial crisis that began in 2008, Norway continued to prosper, with its economy continuing to grow steadily ...
The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global has an explicit mission to integrate long-term investment return objectives with an ambitious ethical commitment. Tdoi:10.2139/ssrn.1618834Clark, Gordon L.Monk, Ashby H. B.Social Science Electronic PublishingClark, Gordon and Ashby Monk (2010c), "The ...
Norwegian oil fundThis article analyses the risks associated with the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global's (NGPFG) complicity in the violation of foreign citizens and their human rights as carried out by the fund's numerous portfolio companies. The NGPFG is a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)....
摘要: The Ministry of Finance has excluded the South-African company DRD Gold Limited (DRD Gold) from the investment universe of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund – Global, based on a recommendation from the Council on Ethics for the Fund. According to t......
As a sovereign wealth fund, the $1 trillion Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global (‘the Oil Fund’), which is managed by Norges Bank Investme
The assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets. 挪威政府所持有的资产中,大概有三分之二的石油和三分之一的政府养老基金。 The Norwegian police have yet to answer conclusively the vital question of whether he acted alone or with...