Pension fund/entity | Assets (€’000) Norway Government Pension Fund Global |1,548,996.540 Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) | 91,052,710 Folketrygdfondet | 31,176,585 Oslo Pensjonsforsikring | 12,160,373 Equinor | 5,131,318
Norway’s Government Pension Fund GlobalThis article identifies and critically examines three different aspects of investor responsibility. First, investors have responsibilities toward their clients (the so-called fiduciary duties). Second, investors are responsible for taking steps to reduce the risk ...
The Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) of Norway, the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, increased its equity investments in Malaysia by the end of June, compared to the close of 2023, The Edge Malaysia reported. This change aligns with the fund’s overall growth in asset size and ...
About Government Pension Fund Norway Folketrygdfondet is a professional investment manager whose main task is to manage the Government Pension Fund Norway on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. Folketrygdfondet is a responsible, active investor with a long investment horizon with the aim to achiev...
Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Drops $44.7B in Market Value in Q3 The $1.3 trillion Government Pension Fund Global’s investment portfolio lost 2.1%—$33.6 billion—during the quarter. Asset AllocationOctober 5, 2023 PE Buyouts ‘Meaningfully’ Outperform Public Equities, Norges Bank Finds ...
THE NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND GLOBAL: TheGovernment Pension Fund Global, also known as theOil Fund, was established in 1990 to invest the surplus revenues of the Norwegian petroleum sector. It has over US$1 trillion in assets, including 1.3% of global stocks and shares, making it the...
Norway's sovereign wealth fund on Tuesday reported third-quarter profit of 835 billion Norwegian kroner ($76.3 billion), citing a stock market boost from falling interest rates. The so-called Government Pension Fund Global, one of the world's largest investors,saidit had a value of 18.870 tril...
The Norwegian fund, formally known as the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), is ranked as the world's biggest sovereign wealth fund. Companies classified as exploration and production companies by the index provider FTSE Russell will be excluded from the GPFG's benchmark index and investment ...
However, a significant part of the income from the oil and gas sector has been saved in the Government Pension Fund Global, also known as the Oil Fund, which by August 2024 has a value in excess of EUR 1,52 trillion. The Fund ensures Norway considerable freedom of action in economic ...
The Government Pension Fund of Norway is made up of two separate Norwegian investment funds: The first is the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), also known as the Oil Fund, and the second fund is the Government Pension Fund of Norway (GPFN). ...