Northwest Nazarene University *人力有限且学校数量众多,如校名翻译有误请直接联系续航老师修改 学校性质:私立非盈利(4年制) 宗教信仰:拿撒勒人会(Church of the Nazarene) 现任校长:Joel Pearsall (President) 学校网址: 招生办公室(Admission Office)页面:
mobilization of God's people for ministry, enabling them to experience spiritual growth and the church to experience greater growth and effectiveness in fulfilling its mission.; Northwest Church of the Nazarene is located in the affluent suburbs of a major city in the south-central United States....
NBCNazarene Bible College NBCNew Beginnings Church(various locations) NBCNorthern Bedford County NBCNational Broadcasting Corporation(Papua New Guinea) NBCNational Bank of Commerce NBCNorthampton Borough Council(UK) NBCNew Business Coordinator(various companies) ...
OKC First Church of the Nazarene1.02公里 Cherokee Hills Baptist Church1.32公里 Oklahoma City Central SDA Church901 米 Church of the Savior1.21公里 Stars and Stripes Front Parking Lot2.25公里 The Strength Factory1.01公里 St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church2.67公里 10GYM1.88公里 维雷波斯特机场5.59公里 维...
St Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church2.54公里 Faith Church2.22公里 Waller Park2.39公里 My Legacy VIP Reception Hall958 米 Willowbridge Park1.5公里 Tinh Luat Temple1.79公里 First Church of the Nazarene1.93公里 i9 Sports Cy-Fair and NW Houston, TX1.86公里 Regina Caeli Parish3.1公里 Jersey Village Dog ...
Fairlawn Church-The Nazarene179 米 Hills Pet Nutrition Bark Park1.46公里 Gage Park1.31公里 Kansas Children's Discovery Center979 米 Regal Hollywood - Topeka2.05公里 Washburn Park2.66公里 Cedar Crest923 米 Blaisdell Family Aquatic Center1.04公里 Kaw River State Park1.13公里 Topeka Zoological Park1.5公...
Castle Hills Church of the Nazarene1.09公里 Palm Beach Tan879 米 James Castle House787 米 Garden City Public Library1.36公里 Garden City Pollinator Habitat1.35公里 Polecat Gulch-Collister Trailhead and Parking3.01公里 博伊西机场20.89公里 查看过的酒店仍未...
Easter Egg Hunt.March 31, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30. Rogers First Church of the Nazarene. Egg hunt, Games, Prizes, Lunch, Bounce Houses and more. Ages 11 years and under, CUMC Annual Easter Egg-stravaganza.Saturday, March 31, 3 p.m. The Egg-stravaganza will take place behind the church...
Castle Hills Church of the Nazarene1.09公里 Palm Beach Tan879 米 James Castle House787 米 Garden City Public Library1.36公里 Garden City Pollinator Habitat1.35公里 Polecat Gulch-Collister Trailhead and Parking3.01公里 博伊西机场20.89公里 查看过的酒店仍未...