Washington National Church of the Nazarene Washington, D.C.Research Director
Under the provisions of paragraph Fifteenth (quoted above), the decedent had directed that the residue of his estate should pass to the Church of the Nazarene, Kansas City, Missouri, "to be used in foreign missions, as directed by a committee composed of Homer Powell of Phoenix, Arizona, a...
Second, I’m thinking a lot about how my grandparents were so influential, even without my realizing it, in choosing the Church of the Nazarene as our denomination. My grandparents were Baptists when my mom was a kid and even when I was born, but they joined the Nazarene church well ove...
College Park Church of the Nazarene950 米 Acredale Community Park2.45公里 Silhouette In A Bottle968 米 Powder Mill Community Park MNCPPC2.66公里 Hollywood Neighborhood Park1.49公里 Beltsville Branch Library, PGCMLS1.7公里 Dar-us-Salaam1.47公里 ...
Connection Point Church of the Nazarene618 米 Island Lake County Park303 米 Silverdale Dog Park2.44公里 Silverdale Rotary Gateway Park2.44公里 Silverdale Waterfront Park5.08公里 Courter Country Farm1.19公里 Silverdale Lutheran Church1.64公里 Central Kitsap Church of Christ1.36公里 ...
(One must be willing to make sacrifices for the ladies!) About Our Ball... When: The evening of Saturday, February 20th, 2021 there will be a social time at 6:30 with the Dance to commence at 7 and end about 10:30. Where: The Youth Hall of Crossroads Nazarene Church at Ray Rd....
Tacoma- a city in west central Washington on an arm of Puget Sound to the south of Seattle Tacoma Narrows Bridge- a suspension bridge across Puget Sound at Tacoma Evergreen State,WA,Washington- a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific ...
Doris Daily ParkPark, 180 metres west Martinsville Post OfficePost office, 1 km north Merry MAC PlayersTheatre building, 1¼ km north Mulberry Street ParkPark, 1½ km north First Church of the NazareneChurch, 1½ km eastPlaces in the Area...
First Church of NazareneChurch, 610 metres northwestPlaces in the AreaSeward AdditionResidential area, 290 metres east Parnell PlaceResidential area, 300 metres south Big PineResidential area, 300 metres north Casey's General StorePetrol station, 310 metres northwestPopular...
Court House Nazarene1.86公里 The Greens1.67公里 Crossroads Christian Church2.29公里 Carnegie Public Library3.02公里 Fayette County Historical Society3.35公里 First Presbyterian Church2.67公里 Christman Park3.63公里 Second Chance Center of Hope2.52公里