It brings the North Korean human rights issue into a more serious dimension, calling for immediate action by North Korean government. North Korea must now decide which way it will take between continued isolation or participation in the world community . Continuous famine, its dictatorship and ...
Cordoning off North Korea's alleged crimes for discrete consideration while turning a willfully blind eye to the violence of sanctions, humanitarian intervention, and the withholding of humanitarian and developmental aid, the North Korean human rights project has allowed a spectrum of political actorsU...
Turning on the logic of the spectacle, U.S.-based campaigns on North Korean human rights, in calling for intervention, have wielded two images aimed at outing North Korea's hidden truths? the image of the starving child circa the 1990s and the contemporary satellite image of what appear to...
The findings suggest that gaining awareness of human rights after their escape had significant implications for the activists, giving meaning to their life and sparking on their activism. Simultaneously, they expressed misconceptions and criticisms from other fellow North Korean refugees as one of the ...
. North Korea's state system or political regime has widely been a main object in the discussion of North Korean human rights issue. However, the division system also is a crucial factor which should not be passed over lightly when we remind that North Korea is one party of the division ...
Suh, Bo-hyukKyungnam University, Institute for Far Eastern StudiesAsian PerspectiveSuh, Bo‑hyuk. "Controversies over North Korean Human Rights in South Korean Society." Asian Perspective, Vol. 31, No. 2(2007): 23‑46....
rights, abductions Japan welcomes U.N. resolution on North Korean human rights, abductionsJapan welcomes U.N. resolution on North Korean human rights, abductions
To avoid provoking North Korea, the Moon government refused to participate in three consecutive joint statements by the international community condemning North Korean missile provocations. It also refused to sponsor UN resolutions condemning North Korean human rights for three straight years. ...
The source even noted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un criticized the Ministry of State Security for “serious human rights abuses” early this year. Despite this criticism from the top leadership, the ministry remains “so savage that people say you wake up in the morning and they’v...
From this point of view, one of the purposes of this article is to find the validity and legitimacy of the North Korean Human Rights Act as an intervention law by reviewing the legal ground especially with regards to the traditional theory of humanitarian intervention and under the international...