The official discourse of human rights in North Korea has shown signs of evolution in recent times, reflecting a variety of philosophical foundations and a need to respond to mounting criticism from the West. While Confucianism and Marxism have been key in influencing North Korean rights thinking,...
Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea marked a watershed moment in international awareness and action on North Korea's human rights problem. It sparked widespread international condemnation, and prompted anxiety and insecurity on the part of North Korea, evident in the North's immediate response. ...
In 1991, the State Council Information Office of the PRC issued a white paper on the Human Rights Situation in China. It was the first official document to put forward that “the right to subsistence is the primary human right that the Chinese people have long strived for,” and then ...
Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was broadly involved in a statement blaming South Korea for the recent shooting of a South Korean official after she was angered by public discussion of North Korea’s human rights situation by UN officials, Daily NK has learned. ...
the human rights situation in the North remains bleak, the institute issued no press release about the publication as it had in previous years, apparently for fear that any widely publicized criticism of the North here could agitate the regime and jeopardize the détente. Last week, North Korea...
More than 27 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking each year, according to the U.S. State Department.
Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Reports on the views of Democratic People's Republic of Korea Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Choi Su Hon on the country's foreign relations presented be... UN Secretarygeneral - 《Journal of the Geological Society of ...
It mentions Germany's national report on the issues of racism and xenophobia, gender equality and terrorism, and criticism of Germany's human rights situation by North Korea, China and Saudi Arabia.SCHRIEWERAssociateBERENIKEAssociateGerman Yearbook of International Law...
The US government froze seven billion US dollars assets of the Afghan central bank on the grounds of punishing the Afghan Taliban and even claimed the "life-saving money" of the Afghan people as its own, which resulted in the deterioration of the h...
> To Promote Human Rights, Democracy, and Development in North Korea, to Promote Overall Security on the Korean Peninsula and Establish a More Peaceful 作者: United States Congress House of Represen 页数: 54 订阅To Promote Human Rights, Democracy, and Development in North Korea, to Promote...