ClusteringMetrics.NormalizedMutualInformation 属性参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.ML.Data 程序集: Microsoft.ML.Data.dll 包: Microsoft.ML v3.0.1 规范化相互信息是变量相互依赖的度量值。仅当提供“标签”列时,才会计算此指标。 C# 复制 public double NormalizedMutualInformation { get; } 属性值 ...
Amelio, A.; Pizzuti, C., Correction for closeness: Adjusting normalized mutual information measure for clustering comparison. Computational Intelligence-US 2017, 33 (3), 579-601.A. Amelio and C. Pizzuti, "Correction for closeness: adjusting normalized mutual information measure for clustering com- ...
参考: stanford的讲解: wiki百科的讲解: 某作者的python的实现: 蔡登的mat...
参考: stanford的讲解: wiki百科的讲解: 某作者的python的实现: 蔡登的mat...
摘要: Normalized mutual information is often used for evaluating clustering results, information retrieval, feature selection etc. This is a optimized implementation of the function which has no for loops. This function is now a part of the PRML toolbox ()....
%NMI Normalized mutual information % % % Author: [2011/12/13] iflength( A ) ~= length( B) ...
%NMI Normalized mutual information % % % Author: [2011/12/13] if length( A ) ~= length( B) ...
probs[idx, :] = prob.cpu().detach().numpy()# evaluate clustering performancey_pred = y_pred.astype(np.int64) acc, nmi, ari = cluster_acc(targets, y_pred), nmi_score(targets, y_pred), ari_score(targets, y_pred) print('Test acc {:.4f}, nmi {:.4f}, ari {:.4f}'.form...
An implementation of a Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) measure for sets of overlapping clusters and Omega Index. ATTENTION: OvpNMI (onmi) does not suitable to evaluate multi-resolution or highly overlapping clusterings because of the used "best match" approximation (see formula 3 in the paper...
权值的选择 策略,选取部分优质聚类成员,再利用加权共协矩阵实现融合,获得最终的聚类结果.实验证明,与传统聚类融合算 法相比,该算法提高了聚类质量,具有较好的扩展性. 关键词选择性聚类融合,分形维数,互信息,选择策略,共协矩阵 中图法分类号TP311.13 ResearchonSelectiveClusteringEnsembleAlgorithmBasedon NormalizedMutual...