3. 定义归一化均方误差(Normalized Mean Square Error, NMSE) 归一化均方误差(NMSE)是一种对均方误差进行归一化处理的指标,它通过将MSE除以目标数据的方差来进行标准化。NMSE的值越小,表示预测值与实际值之间的差距越小,模型的性能越好。 4. 提供NMSE的计算公式 NMSE的计算公式如下: [ \text{NMSE} = \frac{\...
4) mean square error matrix(MSEM) criterion 均方误差阵准则5) mean-square-error criteria 均方误差(MSE)准则6) normal law error 正则误差补充资料:正则化 正则化 regularization 正则化fr卿Ila蛇口d皿;pel,”p“3叫。,」 对于不适定问题(ili一posed problen招)构造关于初始数据的小扰动是稳定的近似...
normalized mean square error 归一化均方误差;
1) normalized mean square error 规范均方差2) canonical variance modulo 规范方差模 1. The criterion of logarithmic canonical variance modulo is used to eliminatethe negative influence of minimum entropy deconvolution upon weak refIectionwaves. 本文对常规最小熵反褶积方法中存在的一些问题进行了探讨和...
6) root-mean-square error 均方根误差 1. The root-mean-square error of this method is less than 0. 所提出的基于粒子滤波的声源定位方法,在高斯噪声情况下,甚至在低信噪比(SNR<-20dB)情况下,定位的均方根误差RMSE值均小于0。 2. It was found from the comparison chart of the predicted dosage...
On the use of the normalized mean square error in evaluating dispersion model performance, Atmospheric Environment Part A General Topics 1993; 27(15): 2427-2434. DOI:10.1016/0960-1686(93)90410-Z.Poli AA, Cirillo MC. On the use of the normalized mean square error in evaluating dispersion ...
This paper presents a minimum mean squared "normalized-error"(MMSNE) beamforming technique,against arbitrary unknown heavy-tailed impulsive noises.This new beamformer aims to minimize the "normalized error" between the desired signal and the the beamformer's output.This normalized error is defined ...
Normalized RMSE(Root Mean Square Error)是一种常用的模型评估指标,通常用于评估模型的预测精度。它是RMSE的标准化版本,可以将不同数据集的RMSE值进行比较。 Normalized RMSE的计算方法如下: NRMSE = \frac{RMSE}{y{\max} - y{\min}} 其中,RMSE是均方根误差,y{\max}和y{\min}分别是真实值的最大值和最...
Normalized Mean Square Error Normalized Median Absolute Deviation Normalized Milligram Index of Hemolysis Normalized Modified Retrieval Rank Normalized Moment of Inertia Normalized Multiscale Bending Energy Normalized Mutual Information Normalized Negative Log Likelihood ...
1) normalized square-mean 方差归一化 例句>> 2) normalized square deviation model 归一化方差 1. In order to overcome that problem,an image fusion method based on thenormalized square deviation modelis proposed in this paper. 针对遥感多光谱图像空间分辨率较低的问题,论文提出了一种基于归一化方差的多...