I’ve been battling a really dangerous infection, which normally would have landed me straight into the hospital. The stress I’ve been under would likely have landed me in the hospital as well. Pushing myself with as much as I did would have landed me in the hospital. Being on the adr...
(1450 251.9 mL vs 1800 278.9 mL; P < 0.001); they also had less blood transfusion (806.1 242.3 mL vs 1222.6 308.0 mL; P < 0.001), lower rate of hysterectomy and infection (3.03% vs 5.66%; P = 0.971; 0% vs 7.55%; P = 0.276), and shorter duration of hospital stay (5.3 0.5 ...
Yourbloodwill be bright red, and you may see some clots for the first few days after you give birth. They shouldn’t be bigger than a quarter. You’ll have to wear a hospital-grade pad at first. But you should be able to go back to a regular pad later. ...
Conclusion: The use of frozen section examination in the assessment of complex ovarian masses in patients with normal tumor markers offers an acceptable accuracy with a significant decrease of the operative time, blood loss as well as hospital stay.Elfeky, Abeer...