Does vaginal hysterectomy for the nonprolapsed uterus require routine laparoscopic assistance?Three new cases of axial torsion of the gravid uterus are presented. One was diagnosed and treated without benefit of laparotomy.doi:10.1016/S1074-3804(05)80283-XO Figueiredo Netto...
Spaying (Ovariohysterectomy): Spaying is moreinvasiveas it involves theremoval of the ovaries and uterusthrough an incision in the abdomen. Because of this, the recovery period tends to belonger—typically10 to 14 days. During this time, it’s crucial tomonitor the incision sitefor any signs...
After a laparotomy, you may be required to stay in the hospital for two to four days because the incision is large, and you can resume your usual activities or work within four to six weeks. If it is laparoscopic ovarian cystremoval, recovery will be early with a short hospital stay, fe...
erenttypeso abnormalities.Yourdoctor willexplainwhatyourPapsmearresult means,whenyoushouldhaveyournext smearorwhether urtherinvestigations arerequired.I youexperienceanyunusual bleeding,dischargeorpain,alertyourdoctor assoonaspossible. Whatisanunsatisfactory Papsmear? Thismeanstherewasatechnicalproblem withthesmear...
[24], the only patient treated with a radical hysterectomy who had LVM in the SLN and experienced central pelvic recurrence presented a high-risk disease, with parametrial node involvement and positive vaginal margins. We think that this patient would have recurred irrespective of SLN micro...
The length of hospital stay was defined as the time from operation to discharge. Major complications were defined as bowel, bladder, or ureteral injuries requiring resection and re-anastomosis. 2.3. Surgical Methods All surgical procedures were performed by a single surgeon (T.J. Kim) who had ...