Glomerular filtration rate μI/min 275 ± 33c Urine flow μI/min/100gm 5.2 ± 2.0 AnalyteUnitsMaleFemale Hormonee Luteinizing hormone ng/ml 0.16–0.64 0.32–0.64 (basal) 24.6–32.8 (late proestrus) Follicle stimulating hormone ng/ml 5.56–11.1 (light period) 2.22–4.44 (basal) ...
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Normal Reference Values of Biventricular Size and Function in Male Athlete’s Heart. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019;12:1755–65. Article PubMed Google Scholar Prakken NH, Velthuis BK, Teske AJ, Mosterd A, Mali WP, Cramer MJ. Cardiac MRI reference values for ...
Across everyone on WHOOP, the average heart rate variability for men is 65, and for women it’s 62. Elaborating on that, a frequently posed question is “What is the normal range for HRV?” Below is a chart displaying the middle 50% of all HRV values for male and female WHOOP members...
T-wave axis (0) Male 46 (6, 71) 43 (−10, 71) 47 (−1, 76) 46 (−16, 72) Female 40 (−9, 69) 39 (−11, 70) 44 (−1, 74) 45 (−70, 125) HR - Heart rate; bpm - beats per minute; ms - milliseconds; PRI – PR interval; QTI – QT interval; QTIc ...
Range (SI Units)Range (Conventional) Male 1.78—2.32 mL/sec 107—139 mL/min Female 1.45—1.78 mL/sec 87—107 mL/min Newborn 0.67—1.08 mL/sec 40—65 mL/minIncreased creatinine levels may indicate: Acromegaly Acute tubular necrosis Congestive heart failure Dehydration Diabetic nephropathy ...
Heart Rate and Gender There’s a myth that you can predict your child’s sex by listening to its heartbeat in the womb. The notion is that male and female fetuses have different heart rates. Female fetuses, themyth holds, have heart rates of 140 bpm or higher, while male fetuses’ hav...
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) enables assessment and quantification of morphological and functional parameters of the heart, including chamber size and function, diameters of the aorta and pulmonary arteries, flow and myocardial relaxation time
The selection criteria were as follows: over 18 years of age; apparently normal ECG; no acute or old MI; no previous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). An apparently normal ECG is defined by the following [30]: 1) heart rate between 55 and...
The aorta contains numerous cell types that contribute to vascular inflammation and thus the progression of aortic diseases. However, the heterogeneity and cellular composition of the ascending aorta in the setting of a high-fat diet (HFD) have not been
Here, for the first time, we provide comprehensive morphological analysis of a large cohort of normal hearts over a range of ages. The are striking differences between the male and female hearts. Whilst it is well recognized that the male heart is heavier than the female heart (de [8], [...