The minute heart rate responses of all the subjects were also measured with the help of a sport tester during all the 15 laps (each lap of 200M) of 3000M running in the track. Result of the study indicate that females on an average demonstrate 10-12 beats/min greater heart rate (HR)...
The proportion of healthy subjects >65 years old for whom values extended below cutpoints was 25% for SDNN index, 12% for rMSSD and 14% for pNN50. Table 2. Aging Effects on 24-h Heart Rate Variability and Heart Rate by Decade Age (yr)SDNN (ms)SDANN (ms)SDNN Index (ms)rMSSD (ms...
Male, 62 years old, with 12 years of hypertension and four years of retrosternal pain, was diagnosed with primary hypertension and coronary heart disease (with angina pectoris), and nifedipine and β-blockers were administered orally. The patient suddenly appeared shortness of breath, cough and ...
Heart rate variability (HRV) denotes the time interval between consecutive heartbeats.The HRV signal, as detected by the sensors and devices, has been popularly used as an indicative measure to estimate the level of stress, depression, and anxiety. For years, artificial intelligence (AI)-based ...
VO2 Max Averages for People Assigned Male at Birth by Age Source(s):ACSM. (2019). "Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual, 5th edition" How Is Heart Rate Measured? Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. You can measure your heart rate on your...
Old dogs, especially those with concomitant disorders, are not always treated. Considerable clinical judgment is required and decisions are made on an individual basis. 48. Why not use Heartgard more often as an adulticide? The success rate of Immiticide for animals with class I or II infection...
To investigate the possible effects of long commuting time and extensive overtime on daytime cardiac autonomic activity, the short-term heart rate variability (HRV) both at supine rest and at standing rest of 223 male white-collar workers in the Tokyo Megalopolis was examined. Workers with a one...
A studywith nine male, non-elite marathon runners with an average age of 40 found that the average heart rate during the marathon was 159 bpm. If the average maximum heart rate for this age group is 180 bpm, this means the marathoners ran at 88% of their max heart rate. Additionally,...
Perceiving a partner’s elevated heart rate has also been found to lead to negative mood attributions and to reduce cooperative activity in a trust-building game, where a partner’s selfish actions directly influenced the end result of the game negatively for the player [7]. Janssen et al. ...
Purpose: This systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted to establish whether heart rate variability (HRV)-guided training enhances cardiac-vagal modulation, aerobic fitness, or endurance performance to a greater extent than predefined training while accounting for methodological factors. Methods: ...