The meaning of NONPROLIFERATION is providing for the stoppage of proliferation (as of nuclear arms). How to use nonproliferation in a sentence.
Define nonproliferation. nonproliferation synonyms, nonproliferation pronunciation, nonproliferation translation, English dictionary definition of nonproliferation. adj. Of, relating to, or calling for an end to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by addi
(Definition ofnonproliferationfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofnonproliferation nonproliferation It is rather elliptical, because some of the non-aligned states strongly took the view that they would not sign thatnonproliferationagreement. From the Hansard ...
英语中文 nonproliferation, non-proliferationn(restriction on spread of weapons)(尤指核武器)SCSimplified Chinese防止武器扩散fáng zhǐ wǔ qì kuò sàn 同义词:restriction,limiting,holding back,restraint,更多…… 标题中含有单词 'nonproliferation' 的论坛讨论: ...
(redirected fromnonproliferation) Dictionary Thesaurus Wikipedia Related to nonproliferation:NPT AcronymDefinition NPNanoparticle NPNurse Practitioner NPNepal NPNational Park NPNorthern Pacific NPNoun Phrase NPNew Patient NPNo Problem NPNot Possible NPNewport(postal code for Newport, Wales) ...
Definition of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? Meaning of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty as a legal term. What does Nuclear Nonprolifer
I Do Not Believe that Simply Tightening Nonproliferation Controls or Narrowing the Definition of Peaceful Uses Will Solve the Global Nuclear ThreatResearch ReportPrevalenceRural AreasChildrenAnemiaRespiratory InfectionsDiarrheaMalariaParasitic DiseasesDeficiency Diseases...
The current state of definition of safeguards requirements for geologic repositories is reviewed, including both the evaluation of measures for the operational phase of a repository and for post-closure. These proposed requirements are based primarily on conclusions of the Programme for Development of ...
Using North Korea as a case study, this article demonstrates that the further a nation's nuclear weapon program develops, the less potential there is to achieve denuclearization. Design, Methodology, and Approach--To reconcile the nebulous definition of power, thi...
Although the article looks into history, away from the grey of today's nonproliferation problems into the clear-cut past of the east -west conflict with its undisputed definition of friends and foes, some of its findings also point to current problems bedevilling NATO policies in this field.In...