* Brainstorm ideas for a winning title. * Write the first draft of your “Beginning.” WEEK TWO: RESEARCH AND WRITE * Write the first chapter or section of your nonfiction manuscript. * Divide your project into workable chunks and set writing goals for each day. * Develop a rhythm of re...
I had always enjoyed parts of being a musician, but it never brought me as much joy and happiness as writing. Writing is just a different kind of music—one that I felt comfortable expressing myself through and sharing with others. Writing brought me inspiration, whereas being a musician oft...
a theme kids will relate to, and an adorable puppy main character, the stage is set for total enjoyment. The young puppy has a dreidel, but when she tries to spin it, down it goes. She tries again and again, but the dreidel just stops and...
Whether you're writing or reading, you can find the nonfiction genre for you among these 24 types of nonfiction.
school articles in their August or September issues. In the summer months, these same publications tend to feature articles that give vacation tips or crafts ideas and games to keep kids occupied during the summer. So, be sure to include some of these types of article ideas in your queries....
I’m returning to the table after ordering at the counter for both of us, so Mistress can just give her order to me instead of bothering with it. The boba place we’re at is busy. It often is, which I know because the writing group I’m one of the organizers of also meets here...
Writing each idea on a separate Post-It may seem wasteful, but it allows the ideas to remain unfixed and, literally, movable. It keeps the paper’s structure flexible, which is important at the beginning of a project. Re-read the Post-Its and have the child add any points tha...
Finding Ideas for Fiction and Nonfiction Books Deciding what you want to write is not always as easy as choosing between fiction and nonfiction. Many writers do both.But finding an idea with a market you can break into can be even harder.If you want to become a full-time writer, or just...
I’m writing this on the first day of school for my kids, which is about par for the course for summer as a mom of four. Of course, we had the Fourth of July and Pioneer Day here in Utah. We got to experience the negative side of the weeklong fireworks binge our neighborhood goes...
Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 200 nonfiction books for children, including the Sibert Medal HonoreeSummertime Sleepers: Animals that Estivate, illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen. She co-wrote5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children’s Book...