While many shark films criticise the exploitative nature of shark media, playing on ideas of shark attack films furthering public fear of the animals, which in turn leads to shark culling and harsh legislations, these films are doing the same thing. Shark Night condemns shark media, but it a...
Creative Nonfiction is that branch of writing that utilizes innovative techniques and artistic ideas typically related to poetry or fiction to write about real people or events. Types of creative Nonfiction may include diaries, essays, autobiography,skills, biographies, travel writing, magazine creating,...
If you want to write for children, for example, you may prefer to write fiction. Turning your information into stories might yield better results than making a straightforwardnonfiction book. If you want to write for adults, maybe a self-help book would be a great way to communicate your i...
Whether you have a clear idea of what you want to write about or if you are still exploring possible topic ideas, it’s important to do a bit of market research. Researching the current news and case studies related to your potential topic are powerful ways to add credibility to your non...
and book chapters. Create and fill your idea bank with everything you want to write, from big ideas to smaller fieldstones. Learn to cycle—not edit—as you clarify your ideas. That’s because nonfiction writers learn as they write. Apply these ideas so your readers can see why your word...
The DNA of the novel - which, if I begin to write nonfiction, I will write about this - is that: the title of the novel is the whole novel. The first line of the novel is the whole novel. The point of view is the whole novel. Every subplot is the whole novel. The verb tense...
* Brainstorm ideas for a winning title. * Write the first draft of your “Beginning.” WEEK TWO: RESEARCH AND WRITE * Write the first chapter or section of your nonfiction manuscript. * Divide your project into workable chunks and set writing goals for each day. ...
What were the civil wars that Tacitus refers to in his writings? What did Tacitus write about? What is the history of fairy tales? What is historical crime fiction? What qualifies Notes of a Native Son as nonfiction? What are the Five R's of creative nonfiction?
InTribes: We Need You to Lead Us, Seth Godin explains how people automatically congregate around similar ideas and beliefs. Your views and opinions will attract those people who have similar ones. Before you know it, you’ll have a community—at the very least—to lead. ...
s paying attention. But I think obviously he overhears some of the podcast material and he asked me, “Dad, you write about — you talk about fiction all the time, do you have any ideas about nonfiction?” And I’m like, “Well let me tell you, son,” and I bored the hell out ...