但是non-Hermitian Hamiltonian有一些特殊的情况下会有real spectrum,这种Hamiltonian被称作是Quasi-Hermitian...
最值得注意的是,通过光学增益和损耗操纵光子本征态的能力为定制非厄米哈密顿量(non-Hermitian Hamiltonians)提供了一种新的手段,借以研究超越传统凝聚态系统的新的对称范式,这标志着非厄米光子学(non-Hermitian photonics)的诞生。在过去十年中,这些概念的快速发展...
In both cases, the non-Hermitian model is valid when the energy range determined by the eigenvalues of the ring Hamiltonian is smaller than the energy band in the lead. Under such condition, we show that results about the interplay of opening and disorder, previously obtained within the non-...
Hamiltonians having this property need not be Hermitian, but, except when PCT is spontaneously broken, the energy levels of such Hamiltonians are all real and positive! In this talk I examine quantum mechanical and quantum field theoretic systems whose Hamiltonians are non-Hermitian but obey PCT...
Still, the concept of the anomalous, non-Hermitian Hamiltonians H a plays an extremely useful role in the theoretical thinking (see e.g. [ 1 ]). An easy clarification of the puzzle lies in the observation that in practice, the physically consistent ";non-Hermitian Hamiltonians" H a ≠ ...
Hs,a(+−)(t)=η(t)Hs(t)+idη(t)dt−Hs,a(++)(t)η(t)Hs,a(−+)(t)=Hs†(t)η†(t)−idη†(t)dt−η†(t)Hs,a(++)(t)Hs,a(−−)(t)=Hs(t)−[Hs†(t)η†(t)−idη†(t)dt−η†(t)Hs,a(++)(t)]η(t) (8) ...
on the eigenvalues of a non-hermitian hamiltonian在一个非厄米哈密顿量的本征值 系统标签: eigenvalues hermitian hamiltonian non 哈密 matrix Non-HermitianHamiltonianEbruErgunDepartmentPhysics,AnkaraUniversity,06100Tandogan,Ankara,Turkey(e-mail:eergun@science.ankara.edu.trAbstract:WestudycomplexmatrixJacobi(tri...
2\pi\Omega_{1}(t)cos[\int_{0}^{t}\omega_{1}(\tau)d\tau+\phi_{1}(t)]\times\{cos[\omega_{MW1}t+\int_{0}^{t}2A_{4}(\tau)d\tau]\sigma_{x}+sin[\omega_{MW1}t+\int_{0}^{t}2A_{4}(\tau)d\tau]\sigma_{y}\}\otimes|1>_{n}<1|\\ =2\pi\Omega(t)cos[\...
We investigate the validity of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian approach in describing quantum transport in disordered tight-binding networks connected to external environments, acting as sinks. Usually, non-Hermitian terms are added, on a phenomenological basis, to such networks to summarize the effects ...
4) non-Hermitian Hamiltonian 非厄米哈密顿量 1. Physical meaning of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian; 非厄米哈密顿量的物理意义5) non-Hermitian matrix 非厄尔米特矩阵6) semi-Thue system 半图厄系统补充资料:奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统) 奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统) Omega navigation ...