Effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for studying resonance statistics in open disordered systems. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 2011;50:1116-1125.J. Feinberg, Effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for studying resonance statistics in open disordered systems, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011) 1116-1125....
(Pre-Talk) 27:44 The question of q, a look at the interplay of number theory and ergodic theory i 57:37 The value distribution of the Hurwitz zeta function with an irrational shift 51:58 Theta-finite pro-Hermitian vector bundles from loop groups elements 51:02 Torsion points and ...
A certain non-hermitian effective hamiltonian also given by Roussy is proven to be identical to that of Bloch''s. Primas'' level shift transformation gives an effective hamiltonian for each level in zeroth order. This effective hamiltonian is seen to be identical to that of Soliverez''s up ...
A certain non-hermitian effective hamiltonian also given by Roussy is proven to be identical to that of Bloch''s. Primas'' level shift transformation gives an effective hamiltonian for each level in zeroth order. This effective hamiltonian is seen to be identical to that of Soliverez''s up ...
From non-Hermitian effective operators to large-scale no-core shell model calculations for light nucleiphysics of elementary particles and fieldsnuclear physics and radiation physicshamiltonianslight nucleinucleon-nucleon interactionsphysicsrenormalization
An effective-Hamiltonian method that was introduced previously by Brown is further developed in order to deal with electron propagation in crystals whose distortion is manifestly non-uniform. Hermitian operators depending explicitly on the local distortion emerge naturally from an expansion of the one-...
Both of these manifest as the emergence of more terms in the effective surface state Hamiltonian for the surface states of a TI nanotube, whose derivation will be the main focus of this paper. in In this paper we derive the parallel, the corresponding effective effective Hamiltonian for the ...
1.Aneffective Hamiltonianof surface polaron of interacting with the deformation potential in polar crystals is derived by using improved.采用改进了的线性组合算符和微扰法导出了极性晶体中与形变势相互作用的表面极化子的有效哈密顿量。 2.In section 3, the magnetic fielddependences of theeffective Hamiltonian...
: “Proceedings of the 1st international workshop: pseudo-hermitian Hamiltonians in quantum physics”, Czech. J. Phys., Vol. 54, (2004), pp. 1–156. Á.de Souza Dutra, M.B. Hott and V.G.C.S. dos Santos: “Non-Hermitian time-dependent quantum systems with real energies”, quant...
(12) There is, however, no reason for block-diagonalization of Heff [s, p, a, v] since we only want to consider expectation values of the current operator and are not interested in its non- perturbative iterations. We can derive a current operator out of the effective Hamiltonian in the...