含义:Flush does write back the contents of cache to main memory, and invalidate does mark cache lines as invalid so that future reads go to main memory. invalidate处理悖论:如果需要invalidate的cache/cache line里面包含无用的数据,需要丢弃;又包含其他进程需要的有用的数据,需要写回内存。
如果将block的内存属性配置成Non-cacheable,那么数据就不会被缓存到cache,那么所有observer看到的内存是一致的,也就说此时也相当于Outer Shareable。 其实官方文档,也有这一句的描述: 在B2.7.2章节 “Data accesses to memory locations are coherent for all observers in the system, and correspondingly are treated...
如果将block的内存属性配置成Non-cacheable,那么数据就不会被缓存到cache,那么所有observer看到的内存是一致的,也就说此时也相当于Outer Shareable。其实官方文档,也有这一句的描述:在B2.7.2章节 “Data accesses to memory locations are coherent for all observers in the system, and correspondingly are treated as...
2) user 可以通过以下两种方式获取non-cacheable memory 2.1) 定义一个global data array ,并且添加...
Non-cacheable memory explanationAsk Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago Modified 3 years, 4 months ago Viewed 521 times 0 I couldn't find a very clear explanation for the term "non-cacheable memory". I would be grateful if anyone could help me in this way.caching...
Embodiments of the present invention include receiving, by the cache controller, a non-cacheable memory load instruction for data stored at a memory address, the data treated by the producer as cacheable; determining by the cache controller from a cache directory whether the data is cached; if...
mt2523 对于D..2) user 可以通过以下两种方式获取non-cacheable memory2.1) 定义一个global data array ,并且添加memoryattribute:ATTR_ZIDATA_
Noncacheable address random access memory A computer system uses a random access memory to store memory characteristic information, such as noncacheable status. The memory is coupled to the processor address lines to produce an output representative of the memory address block, ... Thome Garry W...
TI的工程师你们好! 自制的一块6678板子,多核跑程序时出现问题,定义在共享内存内的变量,其他核心无法正确读取数据 在BIOS内,我从共享内存内开辟了一段1K的空间,名字叫做MSMC_DATA. 在cfg内,使用如下指令定义一个新段ShareData并放入MSMC_DATA.内 Program.sect
MAR0~15是只读,如果要修改其cache属性,则可以通过MPAX将物理地址进行重新映射到MAR16后面的虚地址区域进行设置;将SL2分成两个section分别映射到两个虚地址即可分别设置cache 属性。 你看一下IPC的sharedRegion在哪个memory,应该能知道其属性,我觉得可以创建在DDR,具体还取决于IPC内部实现,没怎么研究IPC这个东东~...