The concept of gauge field is a cornerstone of modern physics and the synthetic gauge field has emerged as a new way to manipulate particles in many disciplines. In optics, several schemes of Abelian synthetic gauge fields have been proposed. Here, we introduce a new platform for realizing synt...
In this paper, we show that it is possible to incorporate the non-Abelian gauge fields in this framework. The generalized Hilbert–Einstein action is gauge invariant only in two cases. In the first case, the gauge group must be Abelian on one sheet of spacetime and non-Abelian on the ...
Non-Abelian Gauge Fields. Relativistic Invariance Physical Review Pub Date : 19 January 1962 , DOI: 10.1103/physrev.127.324 Julian Schwinger A simple criterion for Lorentz invariance in quantum field theory is stated as a commutator condition relating the energy density to the momentum density. With...
Non-Abelian gauge fields, charges and strings Summary The introduction of classical charges in a non-Abelian gauge theory is studied. It is seen that, in order to construct a gauge-invariant interaction Lagrangian, it is convenient to couple the gauge field to a Dirac sheet attached to the ...
Non-Abelian gauge fields couple the motional states of the particles to their internal degrees of freedom (such as hyperfine states for atoms or ions, electronic spins for electrons, etc). In this sense external non-Abelian fields extend the concept of spin–orbit coupling (Rashba and ...
Inflationary models are usually based on dynamics of one or more scalar fields coupled to gravity. In this work we present a new class of inflationary models, gauge-flation or non-Abelian gauge field inflation, where slow-roll inflation is driven by a non-Abelian gauge field. This class of ...
NON-ABELIAN TENSOR GAUGE FIELDS IINON-ABELIAN TENSOR GAUGE FIELDS IIYang–Mills theorytensor gauge fieldsextended gauge transformationsbeyond the Standard ModelIn recent papers we suggested an infinite-dimensional extension of gauge transformations which includes non-Abelian tensor gauge fields. Extended gaug...
Non-Abelian tensor gauge fieldsYang-Mills theoryextended current algebrahigher spin algebrahigher spin fieldsWe suggest extension of the gauge principle which includes tensor gauge fields. In this extension of the Yang鈥揗ills theory the vector gauge boson becomes a member of a bigger family of ...
In the spirit of the Symposium, a group theoretical analysis of spherically symmetric EYM fields for arbitrary gauge groups is emphasized. As one of the applications we will give a concise description of a large class of principal bundles for which the spherically symmetric solutions of the EYM ...