Non-Abelian gauge fields1 provide a conceptual framework to describe particles having spins, underlying many phenomena in electrodynamics, condensed-matter physics2,3 and particle physics4,5. Lattice models6 of non-Abelian gauge fields allow us to unders
The concept of gauge field is a cornerstone of modern physics and the synthetic gauge field has emerged as a new way to manipulate particles in many disciplines. In optics, several schemes of Abelian synthetic gauge fields have been proposed. Here, we in
Popov Non-Abelian Ghost ActionLattice BRST SymmetrySummary#Introduction#The Weak Coupling Approximation#Gauge-Fixing the Lagrangian#Zero Mode#Gauge-Fixed Path Integral#The Faddeev-Popov Counter-Term#Abelian Gauge-Fixed Path Integral#Lattice Faddeev-Popov Non-Abelian Ghost Action#Lattice BRST Symmetry#...
We show that non-Abelian lattice gauge fields can be simulated with a single-component ultra-cold atomic gas in an optical-lattice potential. An optical la... A Kosior,K Sacha - 《Epl》 被引量: 4发表: 2014年 Abelian representation for the non-Abelian Wilson loop and the non-Abelian Stok...
Lattice construction of duality with non-Abelian gauge fields in 2+1D The lattice construction of Euclidean path integrals has been a successful approach of deriving 2+1D field theory dualities with a U(1) gauge field. In thi... CM Jian,Z Bi,YZ You - 《Physical Review B》 被引量: 0发...
Non-Abelian Thouless pumps are periodically driven systems designed by the non-Abelian holonomy principle, in which quantized transport of degenerate eigenstates emerges, exhibiting noncommutative features such that the outcome depends on the pumping sequence. The study of non-Abelian Thouless pump is cu...
Fig. 1: Schematics and dynamics of the non-Abelian topological Bloch oscillations. a Tight binding model for the 3D higher-order topological insulator. Blue lines represent the intercell hopping amplitude of J2 and dashed lines represent hopping terms with negative signs. The lattice constant is l...
Spatial noncommutativity is similar and can even be related to the non-Abelian nature of multiple D-branes. But they have so far seemed independent of each other. Reflecting this decoupling, the algebra of matrix valued fields on noncommutative space is thought to be the simple tensor product ...
We study Abelian monopole and vortex condensation in lattice pure gauge theories. Condensation is detected by means of a disorder parameter defined in term... P Cea,L Cosmai - 《Journal of High Energy Physics》 被引量: 68发表: 2001年 The infrared behavior of the gluon and ghost propagators...
Renormalizeability of massive non-Abelian gauge fields: A functional integral approach The renormalizeability of massive non-Abelian vector gauge fields is discussed using a functional integral technique. The ideas are first developed for the... DG Boulware - 《Annals of Physics》 被引量: 137发表:...