【模飞知识】How to Screw up Your Instrument Approach | IFR Flying Tips 04:07 【模飞知识】Confused by this ATC Call? | Non Towered Airport Departures 04:07 【模飞知识】Flying a Non Precision Approach with KAP 140 Autopilot 05:16 【微软模拟飞行2024】- 737卡ATC通讯无法结束任务解决办法...
TaxiOperationsatToweredAirports ConductPre-TaxiPlanning •StudyairportdiagramBEFOREtaxi •Identifycomplexintersectionsandpotential runwaycrossings •Plantimingofchecklistsandconductthem whilestopped •Plantimingofcompanycommunications •ListentoATIS CAUTION:Followthetaxiclearanceorinstructionsthatare ...
No Tower, No Problem: What Keeps IFR Planes Flowing in and out of Nontowered Airports? Good Teamwork, Specialized Phraseology, and Reasonable ExpectationsKramer, Tarrance