【模飞知识】Approach Clearance from ATC - Radar Vectors to Final - Cleared for the ILS 209 -- 27:25 App 【机模评述TL20】Morning Cruise in the Sting S4 飞行评述 - Into the Blue Simulations 317 -- 8:31 App 【PMDG737经验谈】欧洲最具挑战性的阿姆斯特丹进近 - 737NG Driver | A330 Driver...
Provides obstacle clearance and reduces pilot/controller workloadNeed clearance Clearance Void Time Time at which your clearance is voided. Must contact ATC within 30 min after void if you did not depart. Hold for release You may not takeoff until being released for IFR departure Release Time The...
今天他叫的delivery,只是让我听,clearance能记下多少是多少。我叫的taxi和departure。这是我第一次叫IFR release,那感觉,真好。就是觉得跟职业飞行员又靠近了一步。从前只能在YouTube上听别人叫,自己心里默默复述。 “Executive Ground, Skyhawk 167UD, Area 2, ready to taxi for IFR departure, information Lima...
Under visual flight rules, you can fly pretty much anywhere you like, so long as you avoid controlled airspace, stay out of the clouds, and abide by cloud clearance requirements depending on which airspace you are in. (If you need a refresher on airspace, check out our guide onairspace...
(2) If the failure occurs in IFR conditions, or VFR conditions are not encountered after the failure, each pilot shall continue the flight according to the following: (a) On the following defined routes: 1) By the route assigned in the last ATC clearance received; ...
2. Separation and Clearance ? An ATC clearance shall be obtained before takeoff from any point within controlled airspace or before entering controlled airspace for flight under IFR or during IMC. 2. Separation and Clearance ? A clearance received by a pilot must be read back to the ...
暂时抛掉MFS内置ATC和Pilot2ATC,直接Vatsim跟真人ATC开练(愣头青第一回),KARB-JXN-KBTL起降无误,就是轨迹偏差大了点,MFS 172的AP依然还是用不惯,下次得考虑换个机型,用回FSX也是方案之一。 顺利的部分就不提了,有问题的地方有几个: 1)拿到IFR clearance后,Cleve Center告诉我No.1 on the departure时候conta...
File IFR and VFR flight plans on iPad, iPhone, and web. Get preflight briefings, expected route changes, pre-departure clearance (PDC), digital ATIS.
空中规则(VFR IFR)
Rules for IFR flights within controlled airspace IFR flights shall comply with the provisions of air traffic control clearance when operated in controlled airspace. 在管制空域内的IFR飞行必须遵守空中交通管制服务的规定。 “中国米制 RVSM飞行 高度层方案 ”被国际民 航组织采纳 为米制高度 层配备标准 ,是...