you'd get IFR.Now 100 miles short of home, Murphy has stitched together those clouds into a broken blanket beneath you. It's a tight circle through one of the remaining holes to marginal ceilings beneath or getting an IFR clearance at least down through the clouds, and maybe for an ...
Generally speaking, the smaller the point, the closer it needs to be for you to spot it. Why do pilots cancel IFR? IFR flight requires separation minima to be applied by ATC. When an aircraft reverts to VFR (cancels IFR), the pilot takes on the responsibility for separation from other ...
Once clearance is given, your pilot must decide if it is safe to take off. If it is safe, he accelerates the plane down the runway. As you leave the ground, the local controller hands your plane off electronically to the departure controller at the TRACON facility that services your ...
Once the flight plan has been approved, the flight data person gives clearance to your pilot (clearance delivery) and passes the strip to the ground controller in the tower. The ground controller is responsible for all ground traffic, which includes aircraft taxiing from the gates to takeoff run...
There are some limitations to supplying advanced CPR in the confined environment of an aircraft in flight, mainly restricted space (most cabins of air ambulance aircraft do not allow to stand fully upright), access to the patient (only possible from 1 side only in most aircraft because of the...
Class A:This high-level en route controlled airspace is used predominately by commercial and passenger jets. Only IFR flights are permitted and they require an ATC clearance. All flights are provided with an air traffic control service and are positively separated from each other. ...
“A Special VFR Clearance isan ATC authorization for a VFR aircraft to operate in weather that is less than the basic VFR minima. ... The clearance will usually contain an at or below altitude to separate the SVFR from IFR traffic and still allow the pilot to maneuver clear of clouds. ...
through and then fly an arc at 10 DME. The IKB is the ILS which you will intercept near a radial of 295. You then fly the ILS with the limitations of not below the altitudes underlined until 7 and 5 DME. It means you will I think be 100feet high at 5 DME for obstacle clearance...
was 4500 scattered and better to the East. I called FSS and filed an IFR departure with the lady taking my flight plan not even cautioning me. Called the tower, got the clearance and proceeded to pick my way to the runway. On the center line I announced ready for departure and cleared...
3.1 and 2 have to do with an aircraft that has exceeded its critical angle of attack. The normal stall is when the wing stalls. When the tail stalls it is called a tail-stall.The tail stalls are very abrupt and the nose pitches down near the vertical.This stall increases the effective...