Non Thread Safe是非线程安全,在执行时不进行线程(Thread)安全检查。 因此,如果是使用ISAPI的方式来运行PHP就必须用ThreadSafe(线程安全)的版本;而用FastCGI模式运行PHP的话就没有必要用线程安全检查了,用None Thread Safe(NTS,非线程安全)的版本能够更好的提高效率。 再来看PHP的两种执行方式:ISAPI和FastCGI。 ISAPI...
PHP 5.3 5.3 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86 APC加速器 重命名为php_apc.dll 2.复制php_apc.dll到你的PHP的模块文件夹里,比如c:/php/extensions (PHP4.X)或者c:/php/ext(PHP5.X) 3.打开php.ini.搜索;extension=php_zip.dll 在这一行下面加上 extension=php_apc.dll apc.enabled = 1 apc.shm_segment...
Get the process ID by a thread ID? Get title of window when I know the HWND of the window. Get Unique Hardware ID or CPU Id Get user SID in unmanaged C++ GetElementsByTagName() and GetElementByID() what's different? getline() function identifier not found gettimeofday Getting 'fatal er...
Get the process ID by a thread ID? Get title of window when I know the HWND of the window. Get Unique Hardware ID or CPU Id Get user SID in unmanaged C++ GetElementsByTagName() and GetElementByID() what's different? getline() function identifier not found gettimeofday Getting 'fatal er...