Multithreaded application at times requires access to functions or system services that are not threadsafe. There are few completely safe alternatives for calling these functions. To illustrate the alternatives, consider the example of a program that calls API foo(). Because the function foo() is ...
Multithreaded application at times requires access to functions or system services that are not threadsafe. There are few completely safe alternatives for calling these functions. To illustrate the alternatives, consider the example of a program that calls API foo(). Because the function foo() is ...
Use thegai_strerrorfunction to print error messages based on the EAI_* codes returned by theGetAddrInfoWfunction. Thegai_strerrorfunction is provided for compliance with IETF recommendations, but it is not thread safe. Therefore, use of a traditional Windows Sockets function, such asWSAGetLastError...
To work around this issue, the example lambda function here adds a'ws close'event handler that throws an exception to the driver when creating a remote connection. This exception is not, however, raised along the Gremlin query's request-response path, and can't therefore be used to trigger...
7. request for member ‘push_back’ , which is of non-class type ‘int’ 8. warning: ... will be initialized after [-Wreorder] 9. Unterminated conditional directive 10. Cannot define or redeclare 11. Call to non-static member function without an object argument ...
目录 背景 解决 再次测试(搞定) 背景 今天因为需要重装系统,所以将开发环境再来装了个遍。在装anaconda的时候一切正常,但是在cmd窗口运行python的时候报错了,但是小意思。 Warning: This Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has not been activated. &n... ...
All functions must be thread-safe. This includes not just the main function, but the initialization and deinitialization functions as well, and also the additional functions required by aggregate functions. A consequence of this requirement is that you are not permitted to allocate any global or ...
thread.Start(); SetApartmentState 底层如下: ///摘要://在线程启动前设置其单元状态。///参数://state://新的单元状态。///异常://T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException://仅限 .NET Core:macOS 和 Linux 平台上不支持此成员。///T:System.ArgumentException://state 不是有效的单元状态。///T:System...
The following sample code long offset(long v) { if (!v) return 0; if (v > 0) return 1; if (v < 0) return -1; } produces warning: non-void function does not return a value in all control paths [-Wreturn-type] So does long offset(long v) {...
pytorch/c10/core/SafePyObject.h Line 32 in d54fcd5 (*pyinterpreter_)->decref(data_, /*is_tensor*/ false); the pyinterpreter pointer is not valid anymore? I'm not familiar with how the lifetime of that object works. Would you know off the top of your head by any chance? Con...