你好,根据你的病情描述,你的RPR结果是阴性的,表示不存在梅毒感染。不用担心。建议放松心情,洁身自好,不发生高危性行为,注意个人卫生,平衡饮食,避免劳累,防止感染。 显示更多 2016-09-10 高振坤 实习医生 爱心医生 梅毒RPR是梅毒快速血浆反应素试验,通常用于梅毒的筛查与疗效观察,结果显示不反应,是阴性。你的...
syphilis • screening • RPR • test performance • false-negative • CanadaThe aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of primary and late latent syphilis cases that were non-reactive on initial screening by rapid plasma reagin (RPR) but reactive by treponemal tests. RPR ...
One mother had a negative nontreponemal test result 27 days after delivery of a child with "positive x-rays'' and elevated cerebro-spinal fluid cell count or protein, but details were unavailable. Fifty-nine children were diagnosed at age 1 year or older; nontreponemal test results were ...
“The CDC continues to recommend the traditional screening algorithm using a nontreponemal test (e.g., RPR or VDRL), with reactive nontreponemal tests confirmed by treponemal testing.” Gail Bolan, MD; Director, Division of STD Prevention; National Center For HIV/AIDs, Viral Hepatitis, STD, an...
Presumptive active syphilis was defined as a result that was both TPPA and RPR reactive. Results Of the 242 pregnant women included in the study, 91 (37.6%) had presumptive active syphilis and 19.0% had RPR titres ≥8. DPP testing did not reduce the number of pregnant women who would ...
All individuals undergo a detailed physical exam and syphilis testing with rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and syphilis enzyme immunoassay (EIA) IgG or fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed (FTA-ABS) if the RPR is reactive. Dark field examination is performed in any genital lesion. Treatment is pro-...
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