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SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN CONSEQUENCES ON OFFSPRING Sex-related differences in heart and vascular function and in cardiovascular disease processes have been clearly demon- strated. Nevertheless, the precise mechanisms underlying these sex-related differences are poorly understood. Premeno- pausal women have ...
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Testing for microsatellite instability (MSI) and DNA mismatch repair genes (MMR) are obligatory if the mentioned pre-selection criteria are rated positive. HNPCC syndrome is caused by an autosomal dominant genetic mutation in one of the four MMR genes—MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2. DNA repair ...
Because lncRNAs are ggeenneerrated bbyy tthhee ssaammee ttrraannssccrriippttiioonnaall mmaacchhiinnery aass mmRRNNAs [57], no deffiining bbiioocchheemmiiccaallffeeaattuurreessccoouuldldbbeeeexxcclulusisviveelylyaascsrcirbibededtotolnlcnRcRNNAAs,ss,uscuhchasaas 5a′ 5c1apca, p3,′...
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Discover highly rated pages Abstracts generated by AI 1 2 3 4 Connect › adminguideHistorical metrics definitions in Amazon Connect Outbound campaign contacts abandoned after X seconds and rate, delivery attempts and disposition rate, human answered calls, average dials per minute, and wait time ...
Alongside the CT images, readers were provided with each patient’s age and sex, and rated each case as PDAC, non-PDAC or normal (Supplementary Fig. 2). For lesion detection, the performance values of all 33 readers fell below PANDA’s receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Fig. ...
Discover highly rated pages Abstracts generated by AI 1 2 3 4 Route53 › DeveloperGuideChoosing a routing policy Routing policies determine how Route 53 responds to queries, including failover, geolocation, geoproximity, latency, IP-based, multivalue, and weighted routing. January 25, 202...
I don't see why Apple should get a commission for in-app purchases when they're not handling the payment transaction. Epic is right again. You may not like them, butsomecompany or other needed to make these arguments in court and I'm glad they're doing it. ...